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Thanks, guys. I ran the stuff in fink-0.11.1.tar.gz and I appear to be good to go; I'm in the process of rebuilding 67 out-of-date packages. :eek:

The only snag that I hit while running the 10.2 updater script was a missing link for http://moth.ccs.brandeis.edu/debianutils_1.23.tar.gz. I told the script to Give Up, and I found a copy at http://ftp.swau.edu/mirrors/linux/debian/pool/main/d/debianutils/ debianutils_1.23.tar.gz. I ran the script again, and all seemed to go well. I don't really know who to alert about that; the debianutils maintainer?

Is there some reason that the CVS server couldn't make the required changes to my setup? How am I normally supposed to know that my bleeding-edge setup has been "abandoned"? Couldn't the CVS server at least alert me to the fact that I am running a 10.1 setup on a 10.2 install and that I should go and look for a new version? I had actually heard that a "new" version of Fink for Jaguar was available, but I thought that I had it. When I installed 10.2, I did a wipe/reinstall and rebuilt my Fink from source. There was a problem with some package compiling (ncurses?), and I had to go d/l a sekrit Fink distro that was "fixed" for 10.2. Consequently, when I heard about the Official Jaguar/Fink release, I thought that either I had it, or would get it through the CVS server. Am I wrong to think this, or did I somehow slip through the cracks?

The Server Surfer
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