Martin -

Thanks very much for the advice.

I'm steadily gathering more things to do while whiling away time at home recovering from surgery....

You would need to copy /etc/X11, too. It might be just a symlink, though, depending on the version of xfree you have installed.

Are there other Fink packages that install things outside of /sw ? If so, is there a list of such programs, that would better be installed from scratch, rather than copied from the old installation?
I don't think such a list exists. There were some discussions on the mailing lists, however. Things that come to my mind are

- passwd. You'll have to reinstall this, in any case.

- daemonic. If you have this installed, you need to reinstall it and probably any package that depends on daemonic. To find out which packages are concerned, look at the output of something like

grep Depends -r /sw/fink/dists/ | grep daemonic

or more to the point

fink list -i |awk '{print $2}' |grep -v about |xargs dpkg -s |grep daemonic

- if you have any system-* package installed (like system-tetex), you need to copy the program it stands for. Better to reinstall these packages, too.

- One of the emacs packages used to put something into /usr/local. I don't know if it's still the case.

- In /var/tmp, there are typically outputs (like bitmap fonts) of some TeX-related packages, but these are not important, they will be recreated.
Jim Saklad mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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