A couple of questions about Apple's new X11 app-

1. How does one add an application to the Application menu? By defaut, xterm will run when "Terminal" is invoked from it, but I can't get anything to run without first invoking it from the Terminal. Shouldn't the Application menu be able to start up applications? Of course, I may be putting in the wrong commands - for instace, for XBoard (the chess game) I tried the usual Terminal command "xboard" and "startxboard" and couldn't get it to run; but from the Terminal it ran like a champ! Any ideas here?

2. Right after I force removed some of the xfree packages, and after i installed system-xfree86, I noticed that I had NOT deleted the rootless-threaded versions of these. As soon as I force removed them, I couldn't get any KDE apps to run. So, I reinstalled those rootless-threaded versions. Now the KDE stuff works (although a little strangely), but is it going to affect X11 adversely if I keep this in the configuration?

Thanks for any help.

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