It worked for me.  Thanks for the fix.

On Jan 8, 2004, at 9:51 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:

Guy Reeves wrote:

Hi I tried to install Fink and and rootless XFree86
everything appeared to go fine. But Xdarwin crashes upon startup as does X11.
I get the following output from the terminal
[GuyIMAC:~] guyreeve% startx
tcsh: userclientrc=/Users/guyreeves/.xinitrc: Command not found.

This is the "Apple trapped by their own crappy binutils" bug.

To get out of it, edit (as root) the file /usr/X11R6/bin/startx, by running "sudo vi" or "sudo pico" on it or whatever text editor you are familiar with.

The first line of this file starts with "#pragma GCC set_debug_pwd".
Remove this line. Or, if you are a conservative guy, exchange it with the second line which is "#!/bin/sh" so that the latter becomes the first line.

startx will then work.

Finally, send a bug report to Apple. They have known about this for a long time, and it is trivial to fix, but they won't fix it unless many people complain about it.


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