At 12:03 AM +0100 1/25/04, Darian Lanx wrote:
Dear community.

Below you will find a draft. Please review it carefully and tell me what to do better or how to express myself more clearly. This is and will never be a moderated list, but I would hope, that we can write up a Netiquette everyone can try to abide by:...

They seem reasonable. (I personally go nuts over being sent messages in HTML.) Apropos of these issues, I would offer the opinion that your subject line should have ended with "Draft 1" -- I think it's assumed that reviews of and comments on a message's body are welcome (and usually desired), and "(since...all)" has no business in the subject at all. But I agree with the desirability of such guidelines.

Should we really be automatically directing our replies to the original sender, as well as the list? I personally find it annoying to receive two messages with the same subject and time of sending. Do people really miss replies on to threads they've participated in if they don't get their own copy of the reply?


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