Hash: RIPEMD160

Dear Community.

Some might know me, others do not. My name is David HÃhn, I am the main
Administrative and Public Relation Manager for Fink. Lately I have once
more brought up the discussion about an extended news source and
community web-site for Fink on the core list. This is a pet project of
mine and I would like to see it prosper. Thus, since some decisions have
been made in my mind, I would like to ask for some input. It is
important to me, that the community is involved in the process.
While this is not a project directly related to the main Fink
development nor a project that is yet officially endorsed by Fink
itself, it will be my ultimate goal to make this project an official
Fink part sooner or later.

I have looked at my options and decided that a Content Management system
which is free, easy to expand and nice to administer has to be one of
the basic prerequisites. I looked at a lot of options and I think that
WebGui is a suitable system for this kind of Website. I did contact some
vendors of Java based CMS for a possible sponsorship but I heard nothing
back. For those of you who are interested in having a look at it, please
see: www.plainback.com/webgui/

As domain name I will most likely go with something intuitive such as
morefink.info or finknews.com

In Europe the .info is fairly common since info is the usual short for
Information and often used in natural speech to signify that you want
more information on a certain topic. I am open to suggestions of course.

So why am I writing this?
I know that development in the Open Source Community with volunteers
works best when you have something to present already, yet in this case
I do not even want to start unless I see a certain level of support. The
Resources are already there. I have a server I pay for that I could run
this system on. I am willing to buy the domain, all that is now needed
is some initial push to get me going. Someone willing to be an editor or
people expressing their interest in such a news source would be enough.

The web-site should hold more general information about Fink which do
not necessarily warrant a news item on the official home page. This
includes technical things such a Variants support but also things like
XFree 4.4 inclusions and the "why" behind it. Or User success stories,
as well as reports who all uses Fink. Interviews with Fink Users and
Developers and so on.

I am open to more suggestion. This is simply an initial message to get
this out to the public.

- -d

PS: THis is a X-Post please answer to ONE list only. Thank you.

PPS: This is a PRIVATE project of mine, so PLEASE do not regard this as
an official Fink Project.
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