On Jul 25, 2004, at 10:13 AM, Edward Thome wrote:

Hi. What could be the differences between users with ksokoban within KDE?

I am running the stable tree here at home (because I am on dial-up; I run the unstable tree at work) and everything compiled just fine. When running ksokoban from one user (called user1 from here on), everything works fine, but when running ksokoban from two other user accounts on the same computer, it crashes. Everything else I've run from kde seems to work for each user, or not for any user. They all use the same ~/.xinitrc file.

A. If I run ksokoban by typing 'ksokoban' in the Terminal or from the xterm created within the ~/.xinitrc file, I get
kdeinit: PID 635 terminated.
kdeinit: opened connection to localhost:0.0
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-635'
DCOP: register 'ksokoban-625' -> number of clients is now 1
ImageData.C:57: failed assertion `index >= 0'
DCOP: unregister 'ksokoban-625'
DCOPServer : slotTerminate() -> sending terminateKDE signal.
klauncher: KLauncher::process ---> terminateKDE
Mutex destroy failure: Device busy
kdeinit: terminate KDE.
B. If I type 'ksokoban' into any xterm created after kde loads, I simply get:
ImageData.C:57: failed assertion `index >= 0'
C. Whether I start ksokoban as above or from the kde start menu, I get a crash dialog, from which a backtrace yields:
Reading symbols for shared libraries .......................... done
Attaching to program: `/Volumes/Minimal/sw/bin/ksokoban', process 1024.
Reading symbols for shared libraries ++++++++............................................................... ...... done
0x900314a4 in wait4 ()
#0 0x900314a4 in wait4 ()
#1 0x01645eb4 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) ()
#2 <signal handler called>
#3 0x900429ac in kill ()
#4 0x9009eaf4 in abort ()
#5 0x00010570 in __eprintf ()
#6 0x00004250 in ImageData::upperLarge(int) ()
#7 0x000048e4 in ImageData::wall(QPainter&, int, int, int, bool, bool) ()
#8 0x0000eacc in PlayField::stopDrag() ()
#9 0x0000cdf8 in PlayField::levelChange() ()
#10 0x0000ca3c in PlayField::PlayField(QWidget*, char const*, unsigned) ()
#11 0x00006f2c in MainWindow::MainWindow() ()
#12 0x0001046c in main ()
#13 0x000029d0 in _start (argc=1, argv=0xbffffb9c, envp=0xbffffba4) at /SourceCache/Csu/Csu-47/crt.c:267
#14 0x8fe1a558 in __dyld__dyld_start ()

What I've tried:
1) Deleting all files in the home folder for the other users and starting over. [in fact, originally, ksokoban crashed when opened from the kde start menu for all users, but worked from the xterm for user1 until I deleted these files for user1, after which ksokoban worked for user1 no matter how it was opened).

How did you do # 1? If you used the Finder, then you may still have issues with the .kderc file and files in the .kde folder of the users that are having problems.

2) Deleted all files in /private/tmp/ which are associated with x11 and kde.
3) Moved all files associated with x11 and kde from the account of user1 to the account of another user, set the permissions to be correct for the other user.
4) Switched around which user account the computer started up in.
5) Before I knew that it worked for one user, I rebuilt kde-games.
6) Switched class of user account from admin to standard and vice-versa.
7) Log out and back in, restarted.

Obviously, this is not a problem which is production related, so there is no hurry to reply, but does anyone have any ideas.


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