At 11:20 PM +0200 9/13/04, Heinz Nabielek wrote:
/usr/bin/install -d -m 755 /sw/src/root-imagemagick-6.0.7-4/sw/share/doc/imagemagick
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 www/Copyright.html README.txt QuickStart.txt ChangeLog NEWS /sw/src/root-imagemagick-6.0.7-4/sw/share/doc/imagemagick/
install: QuickStart.txt: No such file or directory
### execution of /usr/bin/install failed, exit code 71
Failed: installing imagemagick-6.0.7-4 failed

Any help here?

Hisashi is probably right when he writes:

I think the info file, committed this morning, does not match the new
tarball. I also think the maintainer has a job and can't fix it right

Try again tomorrow.

Certainly the maintainer has been busy: in the last few days, he's updated the file to go fro 5.5-something to 6.0.7, -.7-1, -.7-3, and now -7.4.

Nevertheless, I'm currently in the process of building the package, but I've had to go through some contortions. There do appear to be mistakes in the .info file. Your problem with Quickstart.txt was because this file apparently no longer exists in the current tarball (it did in earlier versions) so in at least one of the lines reading

DocFiles: www/Copyright.html README.txt QuickStart.txt ChangeLog NEWS

the QuickStart.txt should be removed. I assume that would be all of the lines, namely 60, 70, and 72.

Also, it appears to me that his line 7,

  Source: mirror:sourceforge:imagemagick/ImageMagick-%v-3.tar.gz

needs to be amended to cite the current version 4, not 3: it seems to me that the way to do this would be not to replace the 3 by a 4, but by the symbol %r for the revision number in general, i.e.

  Source: mirror:sourceforge:imagemagick/ImageMagick-%v-%r.tar.gz

Similarly, it seems to me that his line 10,

  SourceRename: ImageMagick-%v.tar.gz

should actually read

  SourceRename: ImageMagick-%v-%r.tar.gz

since this is the format of the actual tarball's name.

I also had a problem with mismatching checksums, which doesn't really surprise me; if you do too, you might just tell fink to proceed anyway, for now.

Or, as Hisashi said, you might wait (and I might have waited) until tomorrow.

Best wishes,


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