Hash: RIPEMD160

Phil Thomson wrote:
| Can't do fink update-all. I get this:
| PhilBook:~ user$ fink update-all
| /usr/bin/sudo /sw/bin/fink  update-all
| Password:
| Information about 3943 packages read in 7 seconds.
| The following 6 packages will be installed or updated:
|  expat expat-shlibs libtiff libtiff-bin libtiff-shlibs numeric-py23
| wget --verbose --passive-ftp
| http://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/Numeric-23.5.tar.gz
| --00:08:48--  http://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/Numeric-23.5.tar.gz
|            => `Numeric-23.5.tar.gz'
| Resolving distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net...,
| Connecting to distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net[]:80...
| connected.
| HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
| 00:08:49 ERROR 404: Not Found.
| ### execution of wget failed, exit code 1
| Downloading the file "Numeric-23.5.tar.gz" failed.
| (1)      Give up
| (2)      Retry the same mirror
| (3)      Retry another mirror from your continent
| (4)      Retry another mirror
| (5)      Retry using next mirror set "sourceforge"
| How do you want to proceed? [3]
| If I keep trying, I get a series of download errors such as the one
| above before the download process, and thus the package update, and thus
| update-all, fails.

Kepp trying which option? Doe it also fail when you switch to the next
mirror set namely "sourceforge" by pressing 5 ?

- -d

Any option. For example, if I keep choosing the default option (3 a few times, then 4, then 1 for "give up"), it fails. It also fails if I choose 5, but for a different reason. It will download numeric, but the checksum is diff than expected:

wget --verbose --passive-ftp http://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/Numeric-23.5.tar.gz
--10:08:43-- http://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/Numeric-23.5.tar.gz
=> `Numeric-23.5.tar.gz'
Resolving distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net...,
Connecting to distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
10:08:44 ERROR 404: Not Found.

### execution of wget failed, exit code 1
Downloading the file "Numeric-23.5.tar.gz" failed.

(1)      Give up
(2)      Retry the same mirror
(3)      Retry another mirror from your continent
(4)      Retry another mirror
(5)      Retry using next mirror set "sourceforge"

How do you want to proceed? [3] 5
wget --verbose --passive-ftp http://west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/numpy/Numeric-23.5.tar.gz
--10:08:48-- http://west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/numpy/Numeric-23.5.tar.gz
=> `Numeric-23.5.tar.gz'
Resolving west.dl.sourceforge.net...
Connecting to west.dl.sourceforge.net[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 724,784 [application/x-gzip]

100%[========================================================>] 724,784 159.99K/s ETA 00:00

10:08:54 (145.91 KB/s) - `Numeric-23.5.tar.gz' saved [724784/724784]

The checksum of the file is incorrect. The most likely cause for this is a corrupted or incomplete
Expected: a0d5fd36055a9bbd084f125fa2a61c72
Actual: 5d6ec472f377ebc0ed2baa8ca0f97984
Downloading the file "Numeric-23.5.tar.gz" failed.

(1)      Give up
(2)      Retry the same mirror
(3)      Retry another mirror from your continent
(4)      Retry another mirror

How do you want to proceed? [3]

This keeps happening if I choose whatever option. So I get 404's before choosing option 5, and chksum errors afterwards.


Phil Thomson
home: http://www.sfu.ca/~pthomson
blog: http://pthomson.blogspot.com/
label: http://centibel.org/
group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/databenders/

SDF Public Access UNIX System
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