
Yes, I installed the binary, using:

sudo dpkg -i openoffice.org_1.9m97-2_darwin-powerpc.deb

1. the file name at the end of the command line will depend on which .deb you download from ~asari/

2. The debs at that location are for OS X 10.3 Panther. I'm not aware of any ones for Tiger. I tried it on Tiger, and it didn't install.


On 2 Jul 2005, at 11:54, Brian O'Keefe wrote:

Hello Kevin,
Did you install the binary that you downloaded via fink? If not, how did
you get it to work on Mac?
On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 11:17, Kevin Horton wrote:

On 1 Jul 2005, at 23:09, "Alexander K. Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Alexander K. Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1 July 2005 22:10:07 GMT-04:00
To: "Brian O'Keefe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Fink Beginners <>
Subject: Re: [Fink-beginners] openoffice

Brian O'Keefe wrote:

Well that is really weird. I searched the database and nothing.
When I
used the link you provided there it was. Strange, very strange.
Oh well, thanks Alexander. Any idea when the package will go
binary? the
compiling seems to be quite and issue with disc space according to
I have seen on posts.
Again, many thanks
On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 15:44, Alexander Hansen wrote:

Sorry about the duplicate message, by the way--my mail program and
the mail server were in a battle of wills and the original message
wasn't tagged as replied to.

Like every other package, this won't go binary until it builds
reliably for most everybody and can be moved to stable.

I believe that should get special treatment. The build
takes, a very, very long time, and the last time I tried it needed
over 37 GB of disk space (I'm not sure how much disk space it needs -
my build attempt failed when the disk ran out of space).  I did
download the binary
from, and
it worked fine. I suspect that many, many more people will be able to
use the binary than would be able to compile it.

I believe that should be released as a binary now.
Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada

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