Remi Mommsen wrote:
>> Just to stir things up more:  I tried downgrading shared-mime-info  
>> on my
>> 10.5/Intel machine:
>> sudo apt-get install shared-mime-info=0.22-3
>> After doing that, I was able to rebuild libx264* .  After that, I
>> updated shared-mime-info back to 0.40-2,  and libx264* still
>> successfully rebuilt.
>> On my 10.5/PowerPC machine, I tried a different order of operations:
>> downgrade shared-mime-info, update it again, and _then_ try rebuilding
>> libx264.  That did _not_ work.  And, oddly enough, when I tried
>> downgrading shared-mime-info on that machine, I was _not_ able to
>> rebuild libx264* .
> Just one more data point: I tried to downgrade shared-mime-info on my  
> 10.5/intel machine, but that did not allow me to build libx264-57- 
> shlibs-0.0.20071214-4. I guess Alexander found a loophole somewhere...

Same here on 10.5/intel. Down- or upgrading shared-mime-info has no 
effect on that failure. The only correlation I can see here is with 
using libgdk_pixbuf- from gtk+2-shlibs-2.14.7-2 
(failure) vs from a patched gtk+2-shlibs (no failure).

BTW, running "update-mime-database -V /sw/share/mime/" from inside a 
root shell with correct XDG* env vars should have the same effect as 
purging and reinstalling shared-mime-info. I can't test this idea, 
because for me the effect is indeed the same - nil.


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