Hello, Jeffry. sw_vers is a program located under the /usr/bin  
directory (folder). This file is part of Mac OS X; please check if it  
exists on your system and if your PATH environment variable points to / 
usr/bin. You may use the two following commands to help you diagnose  
your problem:

ls -l /usr/bin/sw_vers
echo $PATH

What Alex meant with regard to Perl 5.8.9 is that:

a) Mac OS 10.6 comes with two versions of Perl: 5.10.0 *and* 5.8.9. / 
usr/bin/perl is Perl 5.10.0 and, as one would expect, /usr/bin/ 
perl5.8.9 is Perl 5.8.9. Both of them are installed by Mac OS; they  
are not part of or installed by Fink.

b) We've had reports that FinkCommander on Mac OS 10.6 needs to be  
configured to use /usr/bin/perl5.8.9 instead of /usr/bin/perl (which  
is 5.10.0). As explained in


'(...) must set FinkCommander's Perl path to /usr/bin/perl5.8.9 in the  
Preferences window'.

On 11/11/2009, at 02:36, Jeffry Wisley wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> I did change the directory and it works.  Thanks:).  However  :(, I  
> tried to install python26 and the following message appears
> Can't exec "sw_vers": No such file or directory at /sw/lib/perl5/ 
> Fink/Services.pm line 1399.
> fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual  
> dependency. The
> candidates:
> (1)   db47-aes-shlibs: Shared Libraries for db47-aes
> (2)   db47-shlibs: Shared Libraries for db47
> Pick one: [1]
> Can't resolve dependency "macosx (>= 10.6.0-1)" for package
> "system-openssl-dev-0.9.8-1" (no matching packages/versions found)
> Exiting with failure.
> I did not quiet understand what you mean by "It's been reported that  
> Fink Commander doesn't get along with thedefault system perl  
> (5.10.0) on 10.6; fortunately Apple provides an
> alternate option, and switching to 5.8.9 has worked for others."
> Do I need to downgrade from 5.10.0 to 5.8.9 in order to get every  
> thing is working.  I tried to find the Perl from fink installer and  
> it is not listed!!!
> Thanks again for your time.
> Regards,
> Jeff
> --- On Tue, 11/10/09, Alexander Hansen <alexanderk.han...@gmail.com>  
> wrote:
> From: Alexander Hansen
> Subject: Re: [Fink-beginners] cannot
> To: "Jeffry Wisley"
> Cc: "Fink Mailing-Liste" <fink-beginners@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 7:00 PM
> Hash: SHA1
> Jeffry Wisley wrote:
>> Dear Alex,
>> Thanks for your response.
>> I do see the packages when I used the suggested command " fink list
>> python/gtk+/..."
>> I have
>> OSX 10.6.1
>> fink 0.29.10
>> finkcommander Version 0.5.5
> Try reconfiguring the Perl interpreter in the Fink Commander
> Preferences->Paths->"Path to perl" to be
>     /usr/bin/perl5.8.9
> .  It's been reported that Fink Commander doesn't get along with the
> default system perl (5.10.0) on 10.6; fortunately Apple provides an
> alternate option, and switching to 5.8.9 has worked for others.
> After you do that, run the File->Update Table option and your packages
> should show up.


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