Newbie to fink.  While installing gnuplot, and 154 additional dependencies, I 
am getting a failed exit code 1.

Here is the output before the error. 

#! /bin/sh -ev
 sh Configure -des -Dcc="gcc-4.0" -Dcpp="gcc-4.0 -E" -Dprefix=/sw 
-Dccflags=-I/sw/include -Dldflags=-L/sw/lib -Dperladmin=none 
-Uinstallusrbinperl -Dprivlib="/sw/lib/perl5-core/5.8.8" 
-Dman3dir="/sw/lib/perl5-core/5.8.8/man/man3" -Dman3ext=3pm -Duseithreads 
5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level 5.8.1 5.8.0 5.6.0" 
-Adefine:startperl="#!/sw/bin/perl5.8.8" -Adefine:perlpath="/sw/bin/perl5.8.8"
First let's make sure your kit is complete.  Checking...
Locating common programs...
Checking compatibility between /bin/echo and builtin echo (if any)...
Symbolic links are supported.
Checking how to test for symbolic links...
You can test for symbolic links with 'test -h'.
Good, your tr supports [:lower:] and [:upper:] to convert case.
Using [:upper:] and [:lower:] to convert case.
/sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/gcc-4.0: line 14: exec: gcc-4.0: not found
You need to find a working C compiler.
Either (purchase and) install the C compiler supplied by your OS vendor,
or for a free C compiler try
I cannot continue any further, aborting.
### execution of /tmp/fink.VmM1c failed, exit code 1

I am running 10.6.8 and Xcode 4.0.2.

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