I wanted to make sure I have the latest fink and fpc so ...

% fink selfupdate
/usr/bin/rsync -az -q  
I will now run the rsync command to retrieve the latest package descriptions.
/usr/bin/rsync -rtz --delete-after --delete -q   --include='10.9-libcxx/' 
--include='10.9-libcxx/stable/' --include='10.9-libcxx/stable/main/' 
--include='10.9-libcxx/stable/main/finkinfo/**/*' --include='10.9-libcxx/' 
--include='10.9-libcxx/stable/' --include='10.9-libcxx/stable/crypto/' 
--include='10.9-libcxx/stable/crypto/finkinfo/**/*' --include='VERSION' 
--include='DISTRIBUTION' --include='README' --exclude='**' 
'rsync://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/finkinfo' '/sw/fink/'
Scanning package description files..........
Information about 9267 packages read in 2 seconds.
No packages to install.

The core packages have been updated. You should now update the other packages
using commands like 'fink update-all'.

% fink update-all
Information about 9267 packages read in 0 seconds.

WARNING: Xcode.app version (7.2) and Xcode Command Line Tools version (7.1)
are not compatible.
You may experience build errors.

The following 30 packages will be installed or updated:
 fink-buildenv-modules fpc fpc-config gcc5-compiler gcc5-shlibs gdb ghostscript
 gmp5 gmp5-shlibs imagemagick imagemagick6.9.q16-common libgmpxx5-shlibs
 libmagickcore6.9.q16.2-shlibs libmagickwand6.9.q16.2-shlibs libopenjpeg1
 libopenjpeg1-shlibs libpng16 libpng16-shlibs libwebp5 libwebp5-shlibs lynx mutt
 netpbm-bin netpbm11-shlibs openmotif4-shlibs openssl100-dev openssl100-shlibs
 p7zip python27 python27-shlibs
The following 17 additional packages will be installed:
 autogen autogen-dev autogen-shlibs cmake cyrus-sasl2-dev gnutls28 
 libhogweed-shlibs libopenjp2.7 libopenjp2.7-shlibs libtasn1-6-dev
 libtasn1-6-shlibs libwebp6 libwebp6-shlibs nettle4a nettle4a-shlibs 
Default answer will be chosen in 60 seconds...
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n
Failed: Package requirements not satisfied

Oh my.  Now what?  Should I go ahead or will this wreck what I already
have installed?


  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
  Senior Investigator
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Center for Cancer Research
  Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory
  Molecular Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  https://schneider.ncifcrf.gov (current link)
  https://alum.mit.edu/www/toms (permanent link)

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