> n Aug 5, 2016, at 05:57, Patrone Marco <patrone.ma...@hsr.it> wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I’d like to use fink to compile some programs I use to work. My company sets 
> restrictions to web connections and our informatic safety dept. asks for the 
> followings for a safe unlocking:
> the exact web address selfupdate connects to;
> the port used for the connection;
> many thanks and Best Regards,
> marco

What IP address selfupdate connects with depends on your setup.  If you are 
using selfupdate via CVS, then the server is fink.cvs.sourcefore.net 
<http://fink.cvs.sourcefore.net/> , which currently resolves to 
 If you are using rsync, then you would need to let us know which mirror you 
are using.

Which port is used, again, depends on your setup.  If you’re using CVS, then 
it’s the standard CVS port: 2401.  If you are using rsync, then it’s the 
standard rsync port:  873.  

We also support using CVS through a HTTP proxy.  

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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