Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv23869

Added Files:
Log Message:
New upstream version (bug fix) 2.5.1

--- NEW FILE: melina.info ---
Package: melina
Version: 2.5.1
Revision: 1
Source: http://anum-maths.univ-rennes1.fr/%n/%n_distrib/%n-2_5_1.tgz
Source-MD5: 4eb702f7cbfb7e11c07c0f027cc1df98
NoSourceDirectory: true
License: LGPL
Depends: gcc47-compiler
BuildDepends: x11-dev
PatchScript: <<
 find . -name '._*' -delete
 /usr/bin/sed -i'' -e '/Darwin-gfortran-i386/,/Darwin-g95/s,gcc -c,gcc-4 -c,' 
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ex
 cd bin
 me_chpath <<EOF
 export ME_F77CMP=gfortran
 cd ..
 perl -pi -e 's|%b|%p/share/%n|g' `find bin make sources utils -type f` 
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ex
 /usr/bin/install -d %i/share/%n
 /bin/cp -pR bin binutils etc lib make sources utils var %i/share/%n/
 /usr/bin/find -E %i/share/%n/ -regex ".*(makefile|ALLOC|CONTEX)" -type l 
 /usr/bin/install -d %i/etc/profile.d
 cat >%i/etc/profile.d/%n.sh <<EOF
prepend_path PATH %p/share/melina/bin
prepend_path PATH %p/lib/gcc4.7/bin
append_path PATH .
 cat >%i/etc/profile.d/%n.csh <<EOF
prepend_path PATH %p/share/melina/bin
prepend_path PATH %p/lib/gcc4.7/bin
append_path PATH .
 chmod 755 %i/etc/profile.d/melina.* 
DocFiles: READMEs/*
Description: Finite Element Research Code
DescDetail: <<
 MELINA is is a library of procedures for solving boundary value 
 problems by the finite element method in 2 and 3 dimensions. It
 was developed by D. Martin (Univ. Rennes 1, currently retired) 
 and O. deBayser (ENSTA, until 1995) for problems studied at the 
 group SMP (simulation and modelisation of propagation phenomena) 
 of the ENSTA. 

 MELINA is essentially a research code providing a set of tools that 
 are easy to use for a fast creation of numerical solutions of new 
 problems or the testing of new numerical algorithms.
 MELINA has been used in many PhD theses and research papers on 
 topics like propagation of acoustic, seismic or electromagnetic 
 waves, ship hydrodynamics, medical imaging, coupling of finite
 elements with integral representations. 
DescUsage: <<
 There is a very detailed on-line documentation (in French) at 
 the Melina Homepage, including a tutorial and detailed 
 cross-referenced documentation of the complete source code.
DescPort: <<
 Melina can be built with a variety of Fortran compilers.
 This version uses gfortran and builds on ppc and intel.
 Variants using g77, xlf (on ppc) and g95 (on ppc and intel)
 have been tested, too. The package description is easily adapted
 to using these.
Maintainer: Martin Costabel <costa...@wanadoo.fr>
Homepage: http://homepage.mac.com/danielmartin/melina/

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