Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/pythonmods
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv32620

Modified Files:
Log Message:
new version, +py27

Index: python-cdb-py.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- python-cdb-py.info  19 Jan 2012 23:20:01 -0000      1.1
+++ python-cdb-py.info  12 Aug 2012 00:34:35 -0000      1.2
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: python-cdb-py%type_pkg[python]
-Version: 0.32
-Revision: 1003
-Distribution: (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.4, (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.5
-Type: python (2.4 2.5 2.6)
+Version: 0.34
+Revision: 1
+Distribution: (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.5
+Type: python (2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7)
 Depends: python%type_pkg[python]
 Source: http://pilcrow.madison.wi.us/python-cdb/python-cdb-%v.tar.gz
-Source-MD5: 0e303095f8c0ea9f09d7f11faf89805f
+Source-MD5: bda23cd135c9d71bede98929bc18b36f
 CompileScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py build   
 InstallScript: << 
   %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --prefix=%i
 License: GPL
-DocFiles: MANIFEST README Example
+DocFiles: COPYING ChangeLog README Example
 Description: Python interface to the CDB library
 DescDetail: <<
 python-cdb is D. J. Bernstein's constant database library adapted as a

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