Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/perlmods
In directory sfp-cvs-1.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv18812

Added Files:
Log Message:
Initial commit for Module::Starter::PBP.

--- NEW FILE: module-starter-pbp-pm.info ---
Info3: <<
Package: module-starter-pbp-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.0.3
Revision: 1
Depends: <<
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY/Module-Starter-PBP-v0.0.3.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 2e39d69cd77f64721a875d903a632be3
Type: perl (5.12.3 5.12.4)
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README
Description: Create modules following Perl Best Practices
DescDetail: <<
This module implements a simple approach to creating modules and their
support files, based on the Module::Starter approach. Module::Starter
needs to be installed before this module can be used.

When used as a Module::Starter plugin, this module allows you to
specify a simple directory of templates which are filled in with
module-specific information, and thereafter form the basis of your new

The default templates that this module initially provides are based on
the recommendations in the book "Perl Best Practices".
License: Artistic
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Starter-PBP
InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
#       mv %i/bin/module-starter %i/bin/module-starter-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Maintainer: Jesse Alama <jesse.al...@gmail.com>

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