Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory 

Added Files:
Log Message:
Forgot to add these.

--- NEW FILE: nco433-shlibs.info ---
Package: nco433-shlibs
Version: 4.3.3
Revision: 2
Type: v (4.3.2), base (nco)
Description: The NetCDF Operators, shared libraries
License: GPL3
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>

# Prerequisites
Depends: <<
        netcdf-c7-shlibs (>= 4.3.0-2), 
BuildDepends: <<
        antlr, gsl, udunits2-dev (>= 2.1.22-1), 
        fink (>= 0.28-1), fink-package-precedence,
        netcdf-c7 (>= 4.3.0-2), netcdf-bin (>= 4.3.0-2)
Conflicts: %type_pkg[base]%type_pkg[v]-dev
Replaces: %type_pkg[base]%type_pkg[v]-dev

# Unpack Phase:
Source: http://nco.sourceforge.net/src/%type_pkg[base]-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 7b249ff59082cead86437b8df5022d3c

# Patch Phase:
PatchScript:  <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
        perl -pi -e 's|<malloc.h>|<stdlib.h>|' src/nco++/Invoke.cc \
        src/nco++/NcapVector.hh src/nco++/ncoGrammer.g src/nco++/ncoLexer.hpp \
        src/nco++/ncoParser.hpp src/nco++/ncoTree.hpp
        perl -pi -e 's|-lnco|%b/src/nco/.libs/libnco.dylib|' 
        perl -pi -e 's,dynamiclib,$& -single_module,' configure aclocal.m4
        perl -pi -e "s,(apple.*)enable_shared='no',\1," configure

# Compile Phase:
GCC: 4.0
SetLDFLAGS: -Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs

ConfigureParams: <<
        --enable-udunits2 --disable-udunits --enable-gsl \
        --enable-dap-netcdf \
        --enable-netcdf4 \
        --enable-dependency-tracking \
        --enable-shared \
CompileScript: << 
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        export UDUNITS2_PATH=%p
        export  NETCDF_INC=%p \
                        NETCDF_LIB=%p \
        fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%N-dap,%N-opendap,%N-netcdf,%N .

# Install Phase:
InstallScript: <<
        make install DESTDIR=%d
        # remove non-library items
        rm -rf %i/include %i/bin %i/share/man %i/share/info 
%i/lib/libnco.{la,dylib} %i/lib/libnco_c++.{la,dylib}
DocFiles: doc/LICENSE

Shlibs: <<
        %p/lib/libnco-%type_raw[v].dylib 0.0.0 %n (>=4.3.2-1)
        %p/lib/libnco_c++-%type_raw[v].dylib 0.0.0 %n (>=4.3.2-1)

DescDetail: <<
This package provides legacy library support for items built against 
DescPackaging: <<
Upstream has discontinued using libnc-dap, so have "nco" built against
netcdf be the new hotness, and merge nco-netcdf into it on update.
DescPort: <<
Get rid of hardcoded malloc.h for C++ stuff.
Patch out an -lnco that tends to link to a library in a 
previously installed version of the package.
Upstream claims OS X doesn't understand shared libs; perhaps it's
upstream who doesn't understand. :-)
Homepage: http://nco.sourceforge.net/

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