Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/lrosengreen/finkinfo
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14917

Added Files:
        sbcl.info sbcl.patch 
Log Message:
new upstream version (0.8.18)

--- NEW FILE: sbcl.patch ---
diff -Naur sbcl.orig/install.sh sbcl/install.sh
--- sbcl.orig/install.sh        2004-08-18 05:58:41.000000000 -0700
+++ sbcl/install.sh     2004-09-30 14:47:47.000000000 -0700
@@ -82,18 +82,7 @@
 # info
 for info in doc/manual/*.info
-  cp $info $BUILD_ROOT$INFO_DIR/ \
-      && echo -n " info $BUILD_ROOT$INFO_DIR/`basename $info`" \
-      && ( install-info $BUILD_ROOT$INFO_DIR/`basename $info` > /dev/null 2>&1 
-           || echo -n " (could not add to system catalog)" ) \
-      && echo
-# pdf
-for pdf in doc/manual/*.pdf
-  cp $pdf $BUILD_ROOT$DOC_DIR/ \
-      && echo " pdf $BUILD_ROOT$DOC_DIR/`basename $pdf`"
+  cp $info $BUILD_ROOT$INFO_DIR/ 
 # html

--- NEW FILE: sbcl.info ---
Package: sbcl
Version: 0.8.18
Revision: 1
Description: ANSI Common Lisp implementation
License: BSD
Maintainer: Lars Rosengreen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# NOTE: The version of the bootstrap binary does not automatically
# change when the version field is updated!  CompileScript and Source2
# need to be updated by hand when moving to a new version of the
# bootstap binary

BuildDepends: gcc3.1, texinfo (>= 4.6)

Recommends: gnupg | gnupg-idea | gnupg-testing

Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v-source.tar.bz2
Source2: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-0.8.17-powerpc-darwin-binary.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 23d3d60e921d0c5498feed47cfcf436f
Source2-MD5: 8e2eadf069bd14be6d8391e67938f192

SourceDirectory: %n-%v

PatchScript: <<
  patch -p1 < %a/%n.patch

CompileScript: <<
  unset LD_PREBIND ; sh make.sh "../%n-0.8.17-powerpc-darwin/src/runtime/sbcl 
--core ../%n-0.8.17-powerpc-darwin/output/sbcl.core --disable-debugger 
--sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null"
  cd doc/manual ; make html info

InstallScript: <<
  find %b -type d -name CVS -depth -exec rm -rf {} \;
  find %b -type f -name .cvsignore -depth -exec rm -f {} \;
  unset SBCL_HOME ; INSTALL_ROOT=%i sh install.sh
  mv %i/bin/%n %i/lib/%n/%n.bin
  echo '#! /bin/sh' > %i/bin/%n
  echo 'SBCL_HOME=%p/lib/%n/ exec %p/lib/%n/%n.bin $@' >> %i/bin/%n
  chmod 755 %i/bin/%n

InfoDocs: sbcl.info asdf.info


Homepage: http://www.sbcl.org/

DescDetail: <<
Steel Bank Common Lisp is an open source development system for ANSI
Common Lisp.  It provides an interactive environment including an
integrated native compiler, interpreter, and debugger.  Several
extensions, such as a foreign function interface, and support for Unix
(POSIX) system calls are also included.  SBCL is derived from CMU CL.

DescPort: <<
Uses an SBCL binary for bootstrapping.

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