Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/crhalpin
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5936

Added Files:
        ghc.info ghc.patch 
Log Message:
I think that this will work.

--- NEW FILE: ghc.info ---
Package: ghc
Version: 6.4
Revision: 1
Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Depends: readline-shlibs, gmp-shlibs
BuildDepends: readline, gmp, docbook-dtd, docbook-dsssl-nwalsh, jadetex, gcc3.3
Source: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/%v/%n-%v-src.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 45ea4e15f135698feb88d12c5000aaf8
SourceDirectory: %n-%v
Source2: http://www.haskell.org/happy/dist/1.15/happy-1.15-src.tar.gz
Source2-MD5: 02ceb122b904fa4a4290e6ea1072d59e
Source3-MD5: 3a0a79ed656cb619dd69a24cab32ba97

PatchScript: <<
mv ../happy-1.15/happy .
cd .. && sed -e 's|@@SW@@|%p|g' < %a/%n.patch | sed -e 's|@@FB@@|%b/../|g' | 
patch -p1
perl -i.bak -pe 's|/opt/local|%b/../ghc-bootstrap|g' 
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libreadline.4.3.dylib 
%p/lib/libreadline.4.dylib ../%n-bootstrap/lib/ghc-6.4/ghc-6.4
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libdl.1.dylib /usr/lib/libdl.dylib 
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib %p/lib/libgmp.3.dylib 

SetCC: gcc-3.3
ConfigureParams: <<
  --mandir=%d/share/man/ --with-gcc=gcc-3.3 --enable-src-tree-happy \
CompileScript: <<
./configure %c
make prefix=%d realprefix=%p
cd ghc/docs/users_guide; make pdf html
perl -i.bak -pe 's#%d|%b#%p#g' ghc/driver/ghc/ghc-%v ghc/driver/ghci/ghci-%v
perl -i.bak -pe 's#%d|%b#%p#g' ghc/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-%v 
ghc/utils/prof/ghcprof ghc/utils/hsc2hs/hsc2hs
perl -i.bak -pe 's#\}#\} -I%p/include -L%p/lib#' ghc/driver/ghc/ghc-%v
InstallScript: <<
make install prefix=%i
perl -i.bak -pe 's#%d##g' %i/lib/ghc-6.4/package.conf && rm 
mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
cp -r ghc/docs/users_guide/users_guide %i/share/doc/%n
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-dev
  Depends: %N
  Files: <<
  Description: Glasgow Haskell Compiler
  DescDetail: <<
  This package installs the compiler, includes, and libraries needed to 
  compile Haskell into native code rather than interpret it.
  DocFiles: ghc/ANNOUNCE ghc/LICENSE ghc/README
Description: Glasgow Haskell Interpreter
DescDetail: <<
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler/Interpreter is a robust, fully-featured, 
optimising compiler and interactive environment for Haskell 98, GHC 
compiles Haskell to either native code or C.  It implements numerous 
experimental language extensions to Haskell 98, for example: concurrency,
a foreign language interface, multi-parameter type classes, scoped type 
variables, existential and universal quantification, unboxed types, 
exceptions, weak pointers, and so on. GHC comes with a generational 
garbage collector, and a space and time profiler.
DescPort: <<
This port borrows heavily from Gregory Wright's DarwinPorts package.

Currently, the port builds but does not actually run because some modules
  are not found. 
I have no idea how to fix this.
Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
License: BSD

--- NEW FILE: ghc.patch ---
diff -ruN ghc/ghc-6.4/ghc/driver/mangler/ghc-asm.lprl 
--- ghc/ghc-6.4/ghc/driver/mangler/ghc-asm.lprl Fri Jul 22 12:35:50 2005
+++ ghc-patched/ghc-6.4/ghc/driver/mangler/ghc-asm.lprl Fri Jul 22 12:36:03 2005
@@ -550,6 +550,24 @@
             # code.
             # The .no_dead_strip directives are actually put there by
             # the gcc3 "used" attribute on entry points.
+       } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ && ( 
+                  /^\.picsymbol_stub/
+               || /^\.section __TEXT,__picsymbol_stub1,.*/
+               || /^\.section __TEXT,__picsymbolstub1,.*/
+               || /^\.symbol_stub/
+               || /^\.section __TEXT,__symbol_stub1,.*/
+               || /^\.section __TEXT,__symbolstub1,.*/
+               || /^\.lazy_symbol_pointer/
+               || /^\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer/ ))
+       {
+           $chk[++$i]   = $_;
+           $chkcat[$i]  = 'dyld';
+           $chksymb[$i] = '';
+       } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ && /^\.data/ && 
$chkcat[$i] eq 'dyld')
+       {       # non_lazy_symbol_ptrs that point to local symbols
+           $chk[++$i]   = $_;
+           $chkcat[$i]  = 'dyld';
+           $chksymb[$i] = '';
        } elsif ( /^\s+/ ) { # most common case first -- a simple line!
            # duplicated from the bottom
@@ -696,24 +714,6 @@
                $chkcat[$i]  = 'unknown';
-       } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ && ( 
-                  /^\.picsymbol_stub/
-               || /^\.section __TEXT,__picsymbol_stub1,.*/
-               || /^\.section __TEXT,__picsymbolstub1,.*/
-               || /^\.symbol_stub/
-               || /^\.section __TEXT,__symbol_stub1,.*/
-               || /^\.section __TEXT,__symbolstub1,.*/
-               || /^\.lazy_symbol_pointer/
-               || /^\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer/ ))
-       {
-           $chk[++$i]   = $_;
-           $chkcat[$i]  = 'dyld';
-           $chksymb[$i] = '';
-       } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ && /^\.data/ && 
$chkcat[$i] eq 'dyld')
-       {       # non_lazy_symbol_ptrs that point to local symbols
-           $chk[++$i]   = $_;
-           $chkcat[$i]  = 'dyld';
-           $chksymb[$i] = '';
        } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-.*-linux/ && /^\.LCTOC1 = /o ) {
                # PowerPC Linux's large-model PIC (-fPIC) generates a gobal 
                # table "by hand". Be sure to copy it over.
diff -ruN ghc/ghc-6.4/ghc/rts/GC.c ghc-patched/ghc-6.4/ghc/rts/GC.c
--- ghc/ghc-6.4/ghc/rts/GC.c    Fri Jul 22 12:35:50 2005
+++ ghc-patched/ghc-6.4/ghc/rts/GC.c    Fri Jul 22 12:36:03 2005
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
  * We build up a static object list while collecting generations 0..N,
  * which is then appended to the static object list of generation N+1.
-static StgClosure* static_objects;      // live static objects
+StgClosure* static_objects;      // live static objects
 StgClosure* scavenged_static_objects;   // static objects scavenged so far
 /* N is the oldest generation being collected, where the generations
diff -ruN ghc/ghc-6.4/mk/build.mk ghc-patched/ghc-6.4/mk/build.mk
--- ghc/ghc-6.4/mk/build.mk     Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
+++ ghc-patched/ghc-6.4/mk/build.mk     Fri Jul 22 12:36:03 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Local configuration overrides for DarwinPorts
+SRC_CC_OPTS += -I${realprefix}/include
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -I${realprefix}/include -L${realprefix}/lib
+EXTRA_HSC2HS_OPTS += -I${realprefix}/include
+EXTRA_LD_OPTS += -L${realprefix}/lib
diff -ruN ghc/ghc-bootstrap/bin/ghc-6.4 ghc-patched/ghc-bootstrap/bin/ghc-6.4
--- ghc/ghc-bootstrap/bin/ghc-6.4       Thu Apr 28 15:16:39 2005
+++ ghc-patched/ghc-bootstrap/bin/ghc-6.4       Fri Jul 22 10:22:05 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="@@SW@@/lib"
 # Mini-driver for GHC
-exec $GHCBIN $TOPDIROPT ${1+"$@"} -L/opt/local/lib -I/opt/local/include 
+exec $GHCBIN $TOPDIROPT ${1+"$@"} -L@@SW@@/lib -I@@SW@@/include 
diff -ruN ghc/ghc-bootstrap/lib/ghc-6.4/ghc-split 
--- ghc/ghc-bootstrap/lib/ghc-6.4/ghc-split     Thu Apr 28 21:19:30 2005
+++ ghc-patched/ghc-bootstrap/lib/ghc-6.4/ghc-split     Fri Jul 22 10:29:44 2005
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /opt/local/bin/perl
+#! /usr/bin/perl

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