Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/alexkhansen/wiki
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14572

Modified Files:
        0.25+new+documentation+needs.textile 0.26+goals.textile 
        Gnome.textile HomePage.textile InheritedBuildDepends.textile 
        The+10.4+tree.textile XMLish+Source+and+Patch.textile 
Added Files:
        1.0+goals.textile AnonymousCoward.textile Table+Test.textile 
        Wiki+Tests.textile chris01.textile 
Log Message:
more wiki stuff

Index: XMLish+Source+and+Patch.textile
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- XMLish+Source+and+Patch.textile     9 Aug 2005 01:17:45 -0000       1.1
+++ XMLish+Source+and+Patch.textile     11 Aug 2005 12:43:25 -0000      1.2
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   Source: http://whatever
   Rename: %n-%v.tar.gz
   MD5: whatever
-<<</code></pre>cluster all fields for a given source object. Easy to add new 
features (dmalloc wants stronger checksums) without making even more of a 
top-level fieldname mess.
+<<</code></pre>cluster all fields for a given source object. Easy to add new 
features (dmalloc wants stronger checksums) without making even more of a 
top-level fieldname mess. 
 Easy to extend to patchfiles ("MD5 for patchfiles" is a longstanding 
request).<pre><code>PatchFile: <<
   Source: foo.patch
@@ -18,8 +18,15 @@
   MD5: whatever
 <<</code></pre>The full path to each file would be available as a %-exp and 
<code>%a</code> would be abolished. That way only files that have passed the 
MD5 check would be usable.
+.h2 Extensions
+* _vasi:_
 It would be nice to have a patch folder per package rather than one monster 
+** _dmacks:_
+This is already possible (subdirs in %a), and I expect that way would continue 
to work correctly with the new syntax. One can already even cluster [.info and 
its .patch] in its own %n subdir.
-This is already possible (subdirs in %a), and I expect that way would continue 
to work correctly with the new syntax. One can already even cluster [.info and 
its .patch] in its own %n subdir.
+* _drm_: (on "Feature Requests 
+Make the application of the patches part of the default Patch field instead of 
an automatic action triggered by the mere presence of the patchfile field 
(whatever it's called).
+* _vasi&dmacks_: (on #fink?)
+Have a "Substitutions" field in the \PatchFile* that lists regexps to apply to 
the patchfile before applying it to the source tree. That way we can devise a 
clean solution to the pipefail that plagues the standard "sed ... | patch" 

--- NEW FILE: Wiki+Tests.textile ---
Just a place to start so you don't gotta keep editing the main page...

[[Table Test]]

Index: Gnome.textile
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/alexkhansen/wiki/Gnome.textile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- Gnome.textile       9 Aug 2005 01:17:45 -0000       1.1
+++ Gnome.textile       11 Aug 2005 12:43:25 -0000      1.2
@@ -15,42 +15,42 @@
 h3. "Gnome 
-|<. *Package* |>. %{padding-left:3em}*Fink*% |>. %{padding-left:3em}*2.10*% 
|=. %{padding-left:1em}*Up?*% |
-| at-spi               |>.      1.6.3 |>.      1.6.3 |=.         |
-| atk                  |>.     1.10.1 |>.      1.9.1 |=.         |
-| audiofile            |>.      0.2.6 |>.      0.2.6 |=.         |
-| esound               |>.     0.2.35 |>.     0.2.35 |=.         |
-| gail                 |>.      1.8.4 |>.      1.8.2 |=.         |
-| gconf2               |>.     2.10.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
-| glib                 |>.      2.6.6 |>.      2.6.3 |=.         |
-| gnome-mime-data      |>.      2.4.2 |>.      2.4.2 |=.         |
-| gnome-vfs            |>.     2.10.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
-| gtk+                 |>.      2.6.8 |>.      2.6.4 |=.         |
-| intltool             |>.       0.33 |>.       0.33 |=.         |
-| libart               |>.     2.3.17 |>.     2.3.17 |=.         |
-| libbonobo            |>.     2.10.0 |>.      2.8.1 |=.         |
-| libbonoboui          |>.     2.10.0 |>.      2.8.1 |=.         |
-| libglade             |>.      2.5.1 |>.      2.5.1 |=.         |
-| libgnome             |>.     2.10.0 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
-| libgnomecanvas       |>.     2.10.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
-| libgnomeprint        |>.     2.10.3 |>. |=.         |
-| libgnomeprintui      |>.     2.10.2 |>. |=.         |
-| libgnomeui           |>.     2.10.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
-| libidl               |>.      0.8.5 |>.      0.8.5 |=.         |
-| libxml               |>.     2.6.19 |>.     2.6.17 |=.         |
-| libxslt              |>.     1.1.14 |>.     1.1.12 |=.         |
-| orbit                |>.     2.12.2 |>.     2.12.1 |=.         |
-| pango                |>.      1.8.1 |>.      1.8.1 |=.         |
-| pkgconfig            |>.     0.17.2 |>.     0.15.0 |=.         |
+| at-spi               |>.      1.6.3 |>.      1.6.3 |=. &nbsp; |
+| atk                  |>.     1.10.1 |>.      1.9.1 |=. &nbsp; |
+| audiofile            |>.      0.2.6 |>.      0.2.6 |=. &nbsp; |
+| esound               |>.     0.2.35 |>.     0.2.35 |=. &nbsp; |
+| gail                 |>.      1.8.4 |>.      1.8.2 |=. &nbsp; |
+| gconf2               |>.     2.10.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
+| glib                 |>.      2.6.6 |>.      2.6.3 |=. &nbsp; |
+| gnome-mime-data      |>.      2.4.2 |>.      2.4.2 |=. &nbsp; |
+| gnome-vfs            |>.     2.10.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
+| gtk+                 |>.      2.6.8 |>.      2.6.4 |=. &nbsp; |
+| intltool             |>.       0.33 |>.       0.33 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libart               |>.     2.3.17 |>.     2.3.17 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libbonobo            |>.     2.10.0 |>.      2.8.1 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libbonoboui          |>.     2.10.0 |>.      2.8.1 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libglade             |>.      2.5.1 |>.      2.5.1 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libgnome             |>.     2.10.0 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libgnomecanvas       |>.     2.10.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libgnomeprint        |>.     2.10.3 |>. |=. &nbsp; |
+| libgnomeprintui      |>.     2.10.2 |>. |=. &nbsp; |
+| libgnomeui           |>.     2.10.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libidl               |>.      0.8.5 |>.      0.8.5 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libxml               |>.     2.6.19 |>.     2.6.17 |=. &nbsp; |
+| libxslt              |>.     1.1.14 |>.     1.1.12 |=. &nbsp; |
+| orbit                |>.     2.12.2 |>.     2.12.1 |=. &nbsp; |
+| pango                |>.      1.8.1 |>.      1.8.1 |=. &nbsp; |
+| pkgconfig            |>.     0.17.2 |>.     0.15.0 |=. &nbsp; |
 h3. "Gnome Desktop":http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/desktop/2.10/2.10.0/sources/
-|<. *Package* |>. %{padding-left:3em}*Fink*% |>. %{padding-left:3em}*2.10*% 
|=. %{padding-left:1em}*Up?*% |
-| bug-buddy            |>.      2.6.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| control-center       |>.      2.6.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| dasher               |>.     3.2.10 |>.     3.2.15 |=. &#8226; |
+| bug-buddy            |>.      2.6.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; | needs 
gnome-menus |
+| control-center       |>.      2.6.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; | &nbsp; |
+| dasher               |>.     3.2.15 |>.     3.2.15 |=. &nbsp; |
 | eel                  |>.      2.6.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; | needs 
gnome-menus |
-| eog                  |>.      2.6.1 |>.      2.9.0 |=. &#8226; |
+| eog                  |>.      2.6.1 |>.      2.9.0 |=. &#8226; | &nbsp; |
 | epiphany             |>.      1.4.8 |>.      1.6.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | evolution            |>.     1.5.92 |>.      2.2.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | evolution-data-server |>.    0.0.97 |>.      1.2.0 |=. &#8226; |
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 | file-roller          |>.      2.6.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gal                  |>.     2.1.13 |>.      2.4.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gcalctool            |>.     4.3.51 |>.     5.5.41 |=. &#8226; |
-| gconf-editor         |>.     2.10.0 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
+| gconf-editor         |>.     2.10.0 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
 | gdm                  |>. |>. |=. &#8226; |
 | gedit                |>.      2.6.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | ggv                  |>.      2.6.1 |>.      2.8.4 |=. &#8226; |
@@ -68,19 +68,19 @@
 | gnome-doc-utils      |>.   missing! |>.      0.1.3 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome-games          |>.      2.6.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome-icon-theme     |>.      1.2.3 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| gnome-keyring        |>.      0.4.3 |>.      0.4.2 |=.         |
+| gnome-keyring        |>.      0.4.3 |>.      0.4.2 |=. &nbsp; |
 | gnome-mag            |>.    0.10.11 |>.     0.12.0 |=. &#8226; | 0.12 is new 
lib-major-version; 0.12.1 has a duplicate-symbol mess  vs. bonobo and at-spi 
(orbit makes a stubs.c with missing "extern" decls?) |
-| gnome-media          |>.      2.6.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
+| gnome-media          |>.      2.6.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; | &nbsp; |
 | gnome-menus          |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; | exp/dmacks; 
conflicts w/kdelibs3; talk to miga about env vars |
-| gnome-netstatus      |>.      2.6.1 |>.      1.2.0 |=. &#8226; |
+| gnome-netstatus      |>.      2.6.1 |>.      1.2.0 |=. &#8226; | &nbsp; |
 | gnome-nettool        |>.   missing! |>.      1.2.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome-panel          |>.      2.6.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome-session        |>.      2.6.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| gnome-speech         |>.      0.3.7 |>.      0.3.6 |=.         |
+| gnome-speech         |>.      0.3.7 |>.      0.3.6 |=. &nbsp; |
 | gnome-system-monitor |>.      2.6.0 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome-system-tools   |>.   missing! |>.      1.2.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome-terminal       |>.      2.6.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| gnome-themes         |>.     2.11.3 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
+| gnome-themes         |>.     2.11.3 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
 | gnome-user-docs      |>.      2.8.1 |>.      2.8.1 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome-utils          |>.      2.6.2 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome-volume-manager |>.   missing! |>.      1.2.0 |=. &#8226; |
@@ -88,42 +88,42 @@
 | gnopernicus          |>.      0.7.1 |>.     0.10.4 |=. &#8226; |
 | gok                  |>.     0.10.2 |>.      1.0.2 |=. &#8226; |
 | gpdf                 |>.      0.132 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| gst-plugins          |>.     0.8.10 |>.      0.8.8 |=.         |
-| gstreamer            |>.      0.8.9 |>.      0.8.8 |=.         |
-| gtk-engines          |>.      2.6.3 |>.      2.6.2 |=.         |
+| gst-plugins          |>.     0.8.10 |>.      0.8.8 |=. &nbsp; |
+| gstreamer            |>.      0.8.9 |>.      0.8.8 |=. &nbsp; |
+| gtk-engines          |>.      2.6.3 |>.      2.6.2 |=. &nbsp; |
 | gtkhtml              |>.      3.2.1 |>.      3.5.3 |=. &#8226; |
-| gtksourceview        |>.      1.2.1 |>.      1.2.0 |=.         |
-| gucharmap            |>.      1.4.1 |>.      1.4.3 |=. &#8226; |
+| gtksourceview        |>.      1.2.1 |>.      1.2.0 |=. &nbsp; |
+| gucharmap            |>.      1.4.3 |>.      1.4.3 |=. &nbsp; |
 | libgail-gnome        |>.      1.0.4 |>.      1.1.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | libgnomecups         |>.      0.1.6 |>.          x |=.       ? | Apple's 
10.3 cups-dev lies about its version...it's too low to build this pkg; might 
work on 10.4 |
-| libgtkhtml           |>.      2.6.3 |>.      2.6.3 |=.         |
+| libgtkhtml           |>.      2.6.3 |>.      2.6.3 |=. &nbsp; | &nbsp; |
 | libgtop              |>.      2.6.0 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| librsvg              |>.      2.9.5 |>.      2.9.5 |=.         |
+| librsvg              |>.      2.9.5 |>.      2.9.5 |=. &nbsp; |
 | libsoup              |>.     0.7.11 |>.      2.2.2 |=. &#8226; |
-| libwnck              |>.     2.10.3 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
+| libwnck              |>.     2.10.3 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
 | libxklavier          |>.       1.02 |>.        2.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | metacity             |>.      2.8.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | nautilus             |>.      2.6.3 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | nautilus-cd-burner   |>.      2.6.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | nautilus-media       |>.      0.8.0 |>.      0.8.1 |=. &#8226; |
-| scrollkeeper         |>.     0.3.14 |>.     0.3.14 |           |
+| scrollkeeper         |>.     0.3.14 |>.     0.3.14 |=. &nbsp; |
 | sound-juicer         |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| startup-notification |>.        0.8 |>.        0.8 |=.         |
+| startup-notification |>.        0.8 |>.        0.8 |=. &nbsp; |
 | system-tools-backends |>.  missing! |>.      1.2.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | totem                |>.    0.99.12 |>.        1.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | vino                 |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| vte                  |>.    0.11.13 |>.    0.11.12 |=.         |
+| vte                  |>.    0.11.13 |>.    0.11.12 |=. &nbsp; |
 | ximian-connector     |>.     1.5.92 |>.      2.2.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | yelp                 |>.      2.6.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
-| zenity               |>.     2.10.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
+| zenity               |>.     2.10.1 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; |
 h3. "C++ Bindings":cplusplus
-|<. *Package* |>. %{padding-left:3em}*Fink*% |>. %{padding-left:3em}*2.10*% 
|=. %{padding-left:1em}*Up?*% |
-| gconfmm              |>.      2.6.1 |>.      2.9.2 |=. &#8226; | 
\RangerRick's |
-| glibmm               |>.      2.6.1 |>.      2.6.1 |=.         |
+| gconfmm              |>.     2.10.0 |>.      2.9.2 |=. &nbsp; |
+| glibmm               |>.      2.6.1 |>.      2.6.1 |=. &nbsp; |
 | gnome-vfsmm          |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | gtkmm                |>.      2.4.5 |>.      2.6.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | libglademm           |>.   missing! |>.      2.6.0 |=. &#8226; |
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@
 | libgnomemm           |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | libgnomeuimm         |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | libsigc++            |>.     2.0.11 |>.          x |=.       ? | Spundun's |
-| libxml++             |>.     2.10.0 |>.     2.10.0 |=.         |
+| libxml++             |>.     2.10.0 |>.     2.10.0 |=. &nbsp; | &nbsp; |
 h3. "Java 
-|<. *Package* |>. %{padding-left:3em}*Fink*% |>. %{padding-left:3em}*2.10*% 
|=. %{padding-left:1em}*Up?*% |
 | libgconf-java        |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | libglade-java        |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
 | libgnome-java        |>.   missing! |>.     2.10.0 |=. &#8226; |
@@ -143,20 +143,20 @@
 h3. "Perl 
-|<. *Package* |>. %{padding-left:3em}*Fink*% |>. %{padding-left:3em}*2.10*% 
|=. %{padding-left:1em}*Up?*% |
 | extutils-pkgconfig   |>.       1.02 |>.          ? |=. &#8226; | htodd's |
 | glib-perl            |>.      1.020 |>.      1.080 |=. &#8226; | htodd's |
-| gnome2-perl          |>.   missing! |>.      1.020 |=. &#8226; |
+| gnome2-perl          |>.   missing! |>.      1.020 |=. &#8226; | &nbsp; |
 | gnome2-canvas-perl   |>.   missing! |>.      1.002 |=. &#8226; |
 | gnome2-gconf-perl    |>.   missing! |>.      1.000 |=. &#8226; |
 | gtk2-perl            |>.      1.021 |>.      1.080 |=. &#8226; | htodd's |
-| gtk2-gladexml-perl   |>.   missing! |>.      1.004 |=. &#8226; |
+| gtk2-gladexml-perl   |>.   missing! |>.      1.004 |=. &#8226; | &nbsp; |
 h3. "Python Bindings":http://www.pygtk.org
-|<. *Package* |>. %{padding-left:3em}*Fink*% |>. %{padding-left:3em}*2.10*% 
|=. %{padding-left:1em}*Up?*% |
-| pygtk2               |>.      2.6.2 |>.      2.6.0 |=.         |
+| pygtk2               |>.      2.6.2 |>.      2.6.0 |=. &nbsp; |
 | gnome-python2        |>.      2.0.0 |>.          x |=. &#8226; | Jeremy 
Higgs's; current doesn't even build on 10.4T |
-| pyorbit2             |>.      2.0.0 |>.          x |=.         |
-| gnome-python-extras  |>.   missing! |>.          x |=.         |
+| pyorbit2             |>.      2.0.0 |>.          x |=. ? | Clef's |
+| gnome-python-extras  |>.   missing! |>.          x |=. ? | &nbsp; |

Index: InheritedBuildDepends.textile
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- InheritedBuildDepends.textile       9 Aug 2005 01:17:45 -0000       1.1
+++ InheritedBuildDepends.textile       11 Aug 2005 12:43:25 -0000      1.2
@@ -53,9 +53,13 @@
 ** (drm again) I would much rather see this be done by the validator.  To make 
sure we have determinacy in this process, our IBD processing should be limited 
to stuff which is actually in the .info database at the time of buliding.
 ** (dmacks clarifies) This is actually the opposite approach to the current 
IBD thought...instead of a package declaring IBD ("what does some other package 
need to link against me?") it would declare BD ("what I need to get built") and 
then fink would decide what is needed to link against me. Essentially upgrade 
some BD to IBD.Can't do it both ways in a single pkg obviously...no magic, 
gotta list *something*...that means this is still deterministic at the start of 
a large build set.
-h3. Alternate solution:
+h3. Alternate solution
-* Weaken the "nothing may Depends on a BDO package" to "only BDO packages may 
Depends on a BDO package", use normal Depends so that a -dev automatically 
drags along anything else needed to compile against it. Adjust phase_activate 
so that when installing a BDO package that conflicts/replaces some other 
package, do a recursive removal of that other package first.
-** advantage: useful for people using Fink to install -dev for their own 
(!fink) uses. BDO only works for things compiled within Fink.
-** advantage: don't gotta mess with a whole new type of dependency check in 
the engine.
-** disadvantage: creates a whole in the swappy code? Engine may not realize 
these other things that get removed.
+* Weaken the "nothing may Depends on a BDO package" policy to "only BDO 
packages may Depends on a BDO package". Then we can use normal Depends so that 
a -dev automatically drags along anything else needed to compile against it.
+* Arguments:
+** pro: useful for people using Fink to install -dev for their own (!fink) 
uses. BDO only works for things compiled within Fink.
+** pro: don't gotta mess with a whole new type of dependency check in the 
+** con: creates a hole in the swappy code? Engine may not realize these other 
things got removed, then tries to install things that depend on them.
+* Implementation (CVS tag "bdo-depends"):
+** -adjust phase_activate so that when installing a BDO package that 
conflicts/replaces some other package, do a recursive removal of that other 
package first.- *done*
+** -adjust BDO violation check.- *done*

--- NEW FILE: Table+Test.textile ---

--- NEW FILE: 1.0+goals.textile ---
What could/should be done before fink can be called "1.0"

* all [[0.26 goals]]

* rethink our -ssl policy (see "Tracker 

* implement a possibility to remove unneeded packages (ala debfoster, see 

* "reccomends/suggests support in 

* "unstable binary 

* fink option to only use binary packages available (use .deb in preference to 
whatever is in pdb, even if .deb version isn't in pdb at all)

Index: 0.25+new+documentation+needs.textile
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- 0.25+new+documentation+needs.textile        9 Aug 2005 01:17:45 -0000       
+++ 0.25+new+documentation+needs.textile        11 Aug 2005 12:43:25 -0000      
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+* Info3
 * 'fink cleanup'
@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@
 * fast scanpackages with apt-ftparchive, including \AutoScanpackages
 * \SkipPrompts
+* --maintainermode (in fink.8 but need to add to web docs)

Index: c%2B%2B.textile
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/alexkhansen/wiki/c%2B%2B.textile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- c%2B%2B.textile     9 Aug 2005 01:17:45 -0000       1.1
+++ c%2B%2B.textile     11 Aug 2005 12:43:25 -0000      1.2
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-silliness with "++"

Index: The+10.4+tree.textile
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/alexkhansen/wiki/The+10.4+tree.textile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- The+10.4+tree.textile       9 Aug 2005 01:17:45 -0000       1.1
+++ The+10.4+tree.textile       11 Aug 2005 12:43:25 -0000      1.2
@@ -15,4 +15,10 @@
 ** The roo* packages already declare GCC:4.0 in the 10.4T tree
 # Python 2.2 and all -py22 packages will NOT be brought forward to the 10.4 
tree. (same for python21)
+If you are interested in creating your own 10.4 tree to help test things, 
here's how to do it.
+* Fink will use the 10.4 tree and the ==g++-4.0== compiler (as the default 
==c++== and ==g++==) provided that the environment variable FINK_NOTRANS is set 
to "true".  If a 10.4 tree does not exist during postinstall, fink will create 
a symlink from the 10.4-transitional tree to the 10.4 tree.  Note that this is 
very dangerous!
+* To get started, download and unpack fink-0.24.8.tar.gz, and create a symlink 
from 10.4 to 10.4-transitional within the fink-0.24.8 directory.  Then 
bootstrap this copy of fink.  (Upgrading an existing fink installation will 
surely cause a lot of breakage, and is not recommended.)
+* Download the packages from the CVS module experimental/dmrrsn/10.4 and add 
them to your local tree.  As of this writing (10 August 2005), all packages in 
the 10.4-transitional/stable tree -- unless overridden by one of the 
experimental packages mentioned above -- should compile with the "correct" 
version of ==g++== when the trees have been set up as described above.  Work is 
still being done on the packages in 10.4-transitional/unstable, which may not 
compile correctly.
+* This testing version of the 10.4 tree differs from the one planned for 
release in that the needed changes in versioned dependencies have not yet been 
made.  The plan is to get everything ready, and then to make those changes in a 
very short period of time, creating an "actual" 10.4 tree in the process.  Such 
changes are needed for anyone who wishes to upgrade an earlier Fink 
installation into one using the 10.4 tree, but can be dispensed with for fresh 
installations (as recommended above).
 In addition to creating a 10.4 tree, we need a strategy for an upgrade for 
users when the tree changes.  The code in cirdan's dist-up-branch in CVS is one 
possible way to go.

--- NEW FILE: AnonymousCoward.textile ---
Is anybody who didn't register, didn't provide a username.

Index: 0.26+goals.textile
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/alexkhansen/wiki/0.26+goals.textile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- 0.26+goals.textile  9 Aug 2005 01:17:45 -0000       1.1
+++ 0.26+goals.textile  11 Aug 2005 12:43:25 -0000      1.2
@@ -19,4 +19,8 @@
 * dist-upgrade?
-* automatically detect users' location, even for binary install
+* automatically detect users' location, even for binary install
+* "rethink 
+* Package upgrades should minimize breakage of versioned dependencies. If 
foo-dev:depends:foo(=%v-%r), upgrading foo should (but does not currently) 
trigger an upgrade of foo-dev. Could use 'apt-get check' after each 
phase_activate to trigger additional pkg installations?

--- NEW FILE: chris01.textile ---
My email:

Index: HomePage.textile
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/alexkhansen/wiki/HomePage.textile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- HomePage.textile    9 Aug 2005 01:17:45 -0000       1.1
+++ HomePage.textile    11 Aug 2005 12:43:25 -0000      1.2
@@ -22,8 +22,12 @@
 * [[0.26 goals]]
+* [[1.0 goals]]
 h3. Major new feature plans
 * [[XMLish Source and Patch]]
 * InheritedBuildDepends
+[[Wiki Tests]]

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