Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/todai/ecc/main/finkinfo/text
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv13204

Modified Files:
Removed Files:
Log Message:
version bumped. remove ptex-texmf.patch(now not used).

--- ptex-texmf.patch DELETED ---

Index: ptex-texmf.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- ptex-texmf.info     27 Sep 2005 09:50:31 -0000      1.2
+++ ptex-texmf.info     6 Mar 2006 02:30:21 -0000       1.3
@@ -1,26 +1,44 @@
 Package: ptex-texmf
-Version: 2.3
-Revision: 6
+Version: 2.4
+Revision: 2
 Depends: fink (>= 0.9.3), tetex-texmf(>= 3.0-1)
 Conflicts: ptex (<= 3.1.3-8), ptex-base (<= 3.1.3-8)
 Replaces:  ptex (<= 3.1.3-8), ptex-base (<= 3.1.3-8)
 # Conflicts: tetex-texmf, tetex (<= 1.0-13), carlisle, natbib, revtex, seminar
 # Replaces: tetex-texmf, tetex (<= 1.0-13), tetex-base (<= 2.0-5), carlisle, 
context, dvipdfm, epstopdf, hyperref, natbib, oberdiek, revtex, seminar
 # Provides: tetex-texmf, carlisle, hyperref, natbib, oberdiek, revtex, seminar
-Source:  ftp://ftp.t.ring.gr.jp/pub/text/TeX/ascii-ptex/tetex/%n-%v.tar.gz
-Source-MD5: e47a49328a369781d94c40355047ffc6
+Source: ftp://ftp.t.ring.gr.jp/pub/text/TeX/ascii-ptex/tetex/%n-%v.tar.gz
+Source-MD5: 1350dfb1780f5ea8e122bdbc5eaf3c0b
 NoSourceDirectory: True
-Patch: %n.patch
+Source2-MD5: f8c7430ed070c127c6eefbc301525469
+PatchScript: <<
+ # to use PSTricks with 2 byte font.
+ cp %p/share/texmf-dist/dvips/pstricks/pst-text.pro .
+ patch -p0 < PSTricks.patch
+ rm ChangeLog.jpatch PSTricks.patch README.jpatch dvipsk-p1.7a.patch
+ # This converts 8bit character into '^^??' form,
+ # which is convenient for Japanese pTeX 3.1.8 and latter.
+ # '^^??' form prevents platex-sjis from occurring errors.
+ cp %p/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/url/url.sty .
+ perl -pi -e 's/([\x80-\xff])/sprintf("^^%%x", ord $1)/eg' url.sty
+ # **NOTICE** %%x is replaced to %x by Fink.
 CompileScript: echo "Nothing to do in a compile phase"
 InstallScript: <<
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/ptex-texmf
  mv COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT.jis Changes.txt README.txt %i/share/doc/ptex-texmf
- # Install pTeX texmf tree
  mkdir -p %i/share/texmf/dvips/pstricks
  mv pst-text.pro %i/share/texmf/dvips/pstricks
+ mkdir -p %i/share/texmf/tex/latex/url
+ mv url.sty %i/share/texmf/tex/latex/url
+ # Install pTeX texmf tree
+ mkdir -p %i/share/texmf/
  mv * %i/share/texmf
- chown -R root:admin %i/share/texmf
 PostInstScript: <<
  echo "%% ls-R -- filename database for kpathsea; do not change this line." > 

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