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Modified Files:
Log Message:
fixed compile problem for cpirate

Index: ccp4-gfortran.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- ccp4-gfortran.info  12 Apr 2006 01:36:27 -0000      1.2
+++ ccp4-gfortran.info  17 Apr 2006 00:01:38 -0000      1.3
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: ccp4-gfortran
 Version: 6.0
-Revision: 1004
+Revision: 1005
 GCC: 4
 Source: ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4/%v.0/packed/ccp4-%v.0-core-src.tar.gz
 Source2: ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4/%v.0/packed/phaser-1.3.2-cctbx-src.tar.gz
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
 SourceDirectory: ccp4-%v
 Source3: http://chemistry.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/xtal/xtalfink/XCCPJiffy-custom.gz
 Source3-MD5: 21568dd2475505929573a3fd452c538f
+Source4-MD5: e40104835406c75c8aee16471b2dd06e
 Depends: x11, tcltk, blt
-BuildDepends: gcc4 (>= 4.0.3-1), f2c, fort77, tcltk-dev
+BuildDepends: gcc4, f2c, fort77, tcltk-dev
 Replaces: mosflm (<= 6.2.3-2), mosflm-small (<= 6.2.3-2), refmac (<= 
5.1999-3), ccp4-shlibs, ccp4, ccp4-dev, bundle-ccp4, clipper-bin
 Conflicts: ccp4-shlibs, ccp4, ccp4-dev, bundle-ccp4
 NoSetCPPFLAGS: true
@@ -36,14 +38,17 @@
 # Set up XCCPJiffy wrapper scripts in $CCP4/etc
 # These are small wrapper scripts for xplot84driver and xloggraph generated by 
the patch
  chmod a+x etc/x*
-# Try to fix the dylib install path in configure
+# Fix the dylib install path in configure
 perl -pi.bak -e 's|\$rpath|%p/lib/ccp4-%v|g' **/configure
+ # We need the mmdbold clipper libraries built for COOT:
+perl -pi.bak -e 's|enable_mmdbold=no|enable_mmdbold=yes|g' 
 CompileScript: <<
 #!/bin/zsh -ef
 umask 0022
-# These are required for the build environment
+ # These are required for the build environment
 export TEMPXTAL=$PWD:h
 source include/ccp4.setup-zsh
@@ -53,8 +58,8 @@
-# gfortran is actually used by default, but to ensure the right thing happens, 
specify it.
-# Build static libs only for now.
+ # gfortran is actually used by default, but to ensure the right thing 
happens, specify it.
+ # Build static libs only for now. (Problems with dylibs and g++-4).
 FC="gfortran" FOPTIM="-O0" CC="%p/lib/gcc4/bin/gcc" CXX="%p/lib/gcc4/bin/g++"  
./configure --with-x Darwin
 # FC="gfortran" ./configure --with-x --with-shared-libs --with-fftw=%p Darwin
 #  fix some post-configure bugs by getting rid of -lg2c
@@ -63,10 +68,21 @@
 # change molrep optimization:
 perl -pi.bak -e "s|molrep_FLAGS='-fno-second-underscore 
-O1'|molrep_FLAGS='-fno-second-underscore -O0'|g" src/Makefile
-perl -pi.bak -e 's|FC = g77 -fno-second-underscore||g' 
+# perl -pi.bak -e 's|FC = g77 -fno-second-underscore||g' 
+perl -pi.bak -e 's|%p/lib/gcc4/bin/||g' lib/clipper/**/Makefile*
+# Replace the ccp4 libtool file with one that works and compiles cpirate:
+cp ../ccp4_i686-apple-darwin8.6.1_libtool.gz  lib/clipper/libtool.gz 
+mv -f lib/clipper/libtool lib/clipper/libtool-dist
+gunzip lib/clipper/libtool.gz
+chmod a+x lib/clipper/libtool
 make -i
 make -i install
 # xloggraph will fail, but we will link it with fort77 below
 # Make wrappers for xplot84driver and xloggraph, so rename the executables
@@ -91,11 +107,23 @@
 cp xloggraph $CBIN/xloggraph.exe
 cd ../..
+# Cleanup:
 # make realclean
 /bin/rm -f **/*.o
 /bin/rm -f **/*.bak
+/bin/rm -R src 
+/bin/rm -R x-windows 
+/bin/rm -R unsupported
+/bin/rm -R testcomp* 
+/bin/rm -R BINARY*
+cd $CLIB
+/bin/rm -f **/*.c 
+/bin/rm -f **/*.f 
+/bin/rm -f **/*.cpp
 echo "Compile Phase Completed!"
-echo "There are $(command ls -1 $CBIN | wc -l) programs in $CBIN; there should 
be 200"
+echo "There are $(command ls -1 $CBIN | wc -l) programs in $CBIN; "
+echo "there should be 200"
 InstallScript: <<
@@ -152,16 +180,16 @@
 # making scripts for %p/etc/profile.d  
  mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d
- echo "source %p/share/xtal/ccp4-%v/include/ccp4.setup"                     > 
+ echo "source %p/share/xtal/ccp4-%v/include/ccp4.setup"                 > 
  echo "setenv CLIB %p/lib/ccp4-%v "                                    >> 
-echo "if [ -z \$ZSH_NAME ];then                           "                    
    > %i/etc/profile.d/ccp4.sh 
-echo "    source %p/share/xtal/ccp4-%v/include/ccp4.setup-sh "                 
      >> %i/etc/profile.d/ccp4.sh    
-echo "else                                               "                     
  >> %i/etc/profile.d/ccp4.sh
-echo "    source %p/share/xtal/ccp4-%v/include/ccp4.setup-zsh"                 
      >> %i/etc/profile.d/ccp4.sh
-echo "fi                                                 "                     
  >> %i/etc/profile.d/ccp4.sh
-echo "export CLIB=%p/lib/ccp4-%v "                                    >> 
+echo "if [ -z \$ZSH_NAME ];then                           "             > 
+echo "    source %p/share/xtal/ccp4-%v/include/ccp4.setup-sh "         >> 
+echo "else                                               "             >> 
+echo "    source %p/share/xtal/ccp4-%v/include/ccp4.setup-zsh"         >> 
+echo "fi                                                 "             >> 
+echo "export CLIB=%p/lib/ccp4-%v "                                     >> 
  chmod a+x %i/etc/profile.d/ccp4.*
@@ -180,7 +208,7 @@
-SplitOff2: <<
+SplitOff: <<
 Package: %N-dev
 BuildDependsOnly: true
 Description: CCP4 static libraries and libtool files
@@ -195,8 +223,7 @@
 DescDetail: <<
 These are the ccp4 programs compiled with gfortran instead of g77.
 The (currently default) g77 version won't work on intel.  The hope
-is that this will. (With gfortran-4.0.3, everything compiles except 
-cpirate; install that from the clipper-bin package.)
+is that this will. (With gfortran-4.0.3, everything compiles.)
 CCP4 macromolecular crystallography suite has approximately
 200 programs and utilities. This version included Clipper

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