Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/net
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv5247

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
Include not-yet released patch for file creation time on 64-bit Mac OS X and 
add test suite using Backup Bouncer. Thanks to Remko Scharroo for the problem 
report and the pointer to Backup Bouncer.

Index: rsync.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/net/rsync.info,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- rsync.info  14 Apr 2010 07:57:47 -0000      1.16
+++ rsync.info  25 Aug 2010 16:10:48 -0000      1.17
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: rsync
 Version: 3.0.7
-Revision: 1
+Revision: 2
 Maintainer: Remi Mommsen <remigius.momm...@cern.ch>
 CustomMirror: <<
 A: http://samba.org/ftp/rsync/
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
 Source-MD5: b53525900817cf1ba7ad3a516ab5bfe9
 Source2: mirror:custom:%n-patches-%v.tar.gz
 Source2-MD5: 48222e00a9a75873aee3bfceb2b2aa41
+PatchFile: %n.patch
+PatchFile-MD5: a231f010185e4221e8a5f38a3306c9d2
 PatchScript: <<
+ patch -p1 < %{PatchFile}
  patch -p1 < patches/fileflags.diff
  patch -p1 < patches/crtimes.diff
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@
 ConfigureParams: --without-included-popt
 Depends: popt-shlibs, libiconv
-BuildDepends: popt, libiconv-dev
+BuildDepends: popt, libiconv-dev, fink (>= 0.24.12)
 Conflicts: applersync
 Replaces: applersync
 Description: Synchronize filesystems between hosts
@@ -38,3 +41,26 @@
 Homepage: http://rsync.samba.org/
 License: GPL
+InfoTest: <<
+ TestSuiteSize: small
+ TestDepends: backupbouncer
+ TestScript: <<
+  #!/bin/sh -ev
+  if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo "%n cannot be tested with --build-as-nobody"
+    exit 2
+  fi
+  error=0
+  {
+   %p/bin/bbouncer create-vol Src &&
+   %p/bin/bbouncer create-vol Dst &&
+   %p/bin/bbouncer create /Volumes/Src &&
+   %b/rsync -aNHAX --fileflags --force-change /Volumes/Src/ /Volumes/Dst/ &&
+   %p/bin/bbouncer verify -d /Volumes/Src /Volumes/Dst | /usr/bin/tee 
+  } || error=2
+  [[ `/usr/bin/grep -c FAIL /tmp/rsync_test.$$` -gt 0 ]] && error=2
+  /sbin/umount /Volumes/Src/ /Volumes/Dst/ || error=1
+  exit $error
+ <<

--- NEW FILE: rsync.patch ---
--- old/patches/crtimes.diff    2009-12-31 22:20:28.000000000 +0100
+++ new/patches/crtimes.diff    2010-08-25 17:59:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -469,14 +469,17 @@
 diff --git a/syscall.c b/syscall.c
 --- a/syscall.c
 +++ b/syscall.c
-@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ extern int force_change;
+@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ extern int force_change;
  extern int preserve_perms;
  extern int preserve_executability;
++#pragma pack(push)
++#pragma pack(4)
 +struct create_time {
-+      unsigned long length;
++      uint32 length;
 +      struct timespec crtime;
++#pragma pack(pop)
  #define RETURN_ERROR_IF(x,e) \
        do { \

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