Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/fangism/finkinfo
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv14989

Added Files:
        glob2.info glob2.patch 
Log Message:
upstream update to, validated on powerpc-darwin8, and playable!
!lart SCons

--- NEW FILE: glob2.patch ---
--- glob2-       2007-09-10 00:17:39.000000000 +0200
+++ glob2-    2007-09-14 03:23:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@
     opts.Add("BINDIR", "Binary Installation Directory", "/usr/local/bin")
     opts.Add("DATADIR", "Directory where data will be put, set to the same as 
INSTALLDIR", "/usr/local/share")
+    opts.Add("FINKPREFIX", "Fink directory", "/sw")
     opts.Add(BoolOption("release", "Build for release", 0))
     opts.Add(BoolOption("profile", "Build with profiling on", 0))
@@ -25,6 +26,11 @@
     opts.Save("options_cache.py", env)
+    env.Append(CPPPATH = [ env["FINKPREFIX"] + "/include" ])
+    env.Append(CPPPATH = [ "/usr/X11R6/include" ])
+    env.Append(LIBPATH = [ env["FINKPREFIX"] + "/lib"])
+    env.Append(LIBPATH = [ "/usr/X11R6/lib" ])
 class Configuration:
--- glob2-     2007-09-10 00:17:39.000000000 +0200
+++ glob2-  2007-09-14 03:23:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 def create_dmg( target, source, env) :
        volume = str(target[0]).replace('.dmg', '')
 #really need to rewrite this later to use the variables and not be hardcoded
-       os.system( "rm Glob2-0.9.3.dmg" )
+       os.system( "rm -f Glob2-*.dmg" )
        os.system( "rm -rf DMG" )
        os.system( "mkdir DMG" )
        os.system( "cp -r %s DMG"%source )

--- NEW FILE: glob2.info ---
Package: glob2
Revision: 1
GCC: 4.0
Architecture: powerpc, i386
Maintainer: Alexandre Vial <av...@altern.org>
Depends: libvorbis0-shlibs, sdl-image-shlibs, sdl-ttf-shlibs, sdl-net-shlibs, 
speex3-shlibs, boost1.35.nopython-shlibs, fribidi-shlibs, x11-shlibs
BuildDepends: scons, vorbis-tools, libvorbis0, libogg, sdl, sdl-image, sdl-ttf, 
sdl-net, speex3, boost1.35.nopython, fribidi, fribidi-dev, x11-dev, fink (>= 
Source: http://dl.sv.nongnu.org/releases/%n/0.9.4/%n-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 94c527325f355a29a2807f8f18a6e6a8
# Source-MD5: 507da29c310f199f9b1a9a5f335b7a7a
# SourceDirectory: glob2-%v
PatchFile: %n.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 7e9c61de304de03eccb08b07d4f7dac9
# PatchFile-MD5: a8f1c1d60cd59392b68d38e2cb16c307
CompileScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
  # c="release=1 INSTALLDIR=%p/share BINDIR=%p/bin DATADIR=%p/share/glob2 
  # c="release=1 INSTALLDIR=%i/share BINDIR=%i/bin DATADIR=%p/share/glob2 
  # scons $c
  echo "Since we need the %i dir. at *compile* time, we compile at "
  echo "*install* time, when the dir. exists with the correct permissions."
InstallScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
  # INSTALLDIR needs to exist first
  mkdir -p %i/share
  c="release=1 INSTALLDIR=%i/share BINDIR=%i/bin DATADIR=%p/share/glob2 
  scons $c
  scons install $c
DocFiles: data/authors.txt COPYING README README.hg INSTALL
Description: Innovative Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game
DescDetail: <<
Globulation 2 brings a new type of gameplay to RTS games. The player chooses
the number of units to assign to various tasks, and the units do their best
to satisfy the requests. This allows players to manage more units and focus on
strategy rather than individual unit's jobs. Globulation 2 also features AI
allowing single-player games or any possible combination of human-computer
teams. Also included is a scripting language for versatile gameplay or
tutorials and an integrated map editor. Globulation2 can be played in single
player mode, through your local network, or over the Internet with
Ysagoon Online Gaming (or YOG for short).
To play, type glob2 in Terminal.app.
DescPort: <<
Scons does not find some files when checking, but compiling is ok, so exit 
lines are commented. was submitted by fangism.
DescPackaging: <<
The SCons build creates an AppBundle and disc image (.dmg).
Homepage: http://www.globulation2.org/
License: GPL

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