Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/base
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv7315

Added Files:
        passwd-core.info passwd-core.patch 
Log Message:
new passwd for 10.7 (thanks to nieder)

--- NEW FILE: passwd-core.patch ---
diff -ruN null/update-passwd.in passwd/update-passwd.in
--- null/README 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ passwd/README       2009-09-22 11:45:00.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Passwd-core package for the Fink Project
+The package passwd-core and it's associated splitoffs
+are in the Public Domain.
+This package adds several administrative user and group entries to
+your user database. These are needed to protect the data of several
+daemons (e.g. news server, database server).
diff -ruN null/group-fink passwd/group-fink
--- null/group-fink     1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ passwd/group-fink   2007-08-11 16:15:25.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Fink group additions
+# IDs are in the range 250..299
+# commented out entries are provided by the system and assumed by fink
+# nagios used by nagios or icinga
+# amqp used by rabbitmq-server
diff -ruN null/passwd-fink.in passwd/passwd-fink.in
--- null/passwd-fink.in 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ passwd/passwd-fink.in       2007-08-11 16:14:44.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Fink passwd additions
+# IDs are in the range 250..299
+# commented out entries are provided by the system and assumed by fink
+# note that the cyrusimap user was previously called cyrus by fink
+#lp:*:26:26::0:0:Printing Services:/var/spool/cups:/dev/null
+#eppc:*:71:71::0:0:Apple Events User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+#qtss:*:76:76::0:0:QuickTime Streaming Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+#cyrusimap:*:77:6::0:0:Cyrus User:/var/imap:/usr/bin/false
+#mailman:*:78:78::0:0:Mailman user:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+#appserver:*:79:79::0:0:Application Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+#clamav:*:82:82::0:0:Clamav User:/var/virusmails:/bin/tcsh
+#jabber:*:84:84::0:0:Jabber User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+news:*:250:250::0:0:News Server:/dev/null:/dev/null
+postgres:*:252:252::0:0:PostgreSQL Database Server:/var/empty:/dev/null
+games:*:253:253::0:0:Game Files Owner:/dev/null:/dev/null
+canna:*:254:254::0:0:Canna Japanese Input Server:/dev/null:/dev/null
+tomcat:*:257:257::0:0:Tomcat Servlet Engine:@PREFIX@/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+opennms:*:259:259::0:0:OpenNMS Network 
+distcc:*:262:262::0:0:distcc daemon,,,:@PREFIX@/var/spool/distcc:/dev/null
+messagebus:*:263:263::0:0:messagebus (dbus) 
+icecast:*:264:264::0:0:Icecast Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+gdm:*:265:265::0:0:gdm Login GUI priv-sep:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+fink-bld:*:266:266::0:0:Fink Build System:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
+ossec:*:267:267::0:0:OSSec HIDS Monitor 
+ossecm:*:268:267::0:0:OSSec HIDS Mail Daemon:@PREFIX@/var/ossec:/usr/bin/false
+ossece:*:269:267::0:0:OSSec HIDS Daemon:@PREFIX@/var/ossec:/usr/bin/false
+ossecr:*:270:267::0:0:OSSec HIDS Remote 
+rt:*:271:271::0:0:Reqest Tracker:/dev/null:/dev/null
+dovecot:*:272:272::0:0:Dovecot IMAP Server Daemon:/dev/null:/dev/null
+haldaemon:*:273:273::0:0:Hardware Abstraction Layer Daemon:/dev/null:/dev/null
+avahi:*:274:274::0:0:Service Discovery Daemon:/dev/null:/dev/null
+nagios:*:275:275::0:0:Nagios and Icinga Monitoring Daemon:/dev/null:/dev/null
+amqp:*:276:276::0:0:AMQP Messaging Daemon:/dev/null:/dev/null
diff -ruN null/update-passwd.in passwd/update-passwd.in
--- null/update-passwd.in       1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ passwd/update-passwd.in     2007-08-11 09:48:16.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Merge Fink's passwd and group additions into NetInfo
+if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
+       echo "You must be root to run update-passwd."
+       exit 1
+merge_user_info() {
+       FILE="$1"
+       FINK_PASSWD_USER="$2"
+       case `uname -r` in
+               8*)
+                               niload passwd . <$FILE
+                       ;;
+               *)
+                       OIFS=$IFS
+                       IFS=:
+                       cat $FILE | grep $FINK_PASSWD_USER | while read name 
passwd uid gid junk1 junk2 junk3 info home shell; do
+                               dscl . create /users/$name
+                               dscl . create /users/$name name $name
+                               dscl . create /users/$name passwd '*'
+                               dscl . create /users/$name hint ""
+                               dscl . create /users/$name uid $uid
+                               dscl . create /users/$name gid $gid
+                               dscl . create /users/$name home "$home"
+                               dscl . create /users/$name shell "$shell"
+                               dscl . create /users/$name realname "$info"
+                       done
+                       IFS=$OIFS
+                       ;;
+       esac
+merge_group_info() {
+       FILE="$1"
+       GROUP="$2"
+       case `uname -r` in
+               8*)
+                       niload group . <$FILE
+                       ;;
+               *)
+                       OIFS=$IFS
+                       IFS=:
+                       cat $FILE | grep $GROUP | while read name passwd gid 
GroupMembership; do
+                               dscl . create /groups/$name
+                               dscl . create /groups/$name name $name
+                               dscl . create /groups/$name passwd '*'
+                               dscl . create /groups/$name gid $gid
+                               dscl . create /groups/$name GroupMembership 
+                       done
+                       IFS=$OIFS
+                       ;;
+       esac
+if [ ! $2 ]; then
+       echo "No user was specified to be added."
+       echo "update-passwd needs to know which user will be added to the 
+       exit 1
+if [ ! -f "$PREFIX/etc/passwd-fink" ]; then
+       echo "The file $PREFIX/etc/passwd-fink is missing."
+       echo "update-passwd can not continue without this file."
+       exit 1
+if [ ! -f "$PREFIX/etc/group-fink" ]; then
+       echo "The file $PREFIX/etc/group-fink is missing."
+       echo "update-passwd can not continue without this file."
+       exit 1
+echo "The following user entry will be added to your NetInfo database:"
+grep `echo $2 | /usr/bin/sed "s/^passwd-//"` $PREFIX/etc/passwd-fink
+echo "The following group entry will be added to your NetInfo database:"
+grep `echo $2 | /usr/bin/sed "s/^passwd-//"` $PREFIX/etc/group-fink
+if [ "x$1" = "xpostinst" ]; then
+       echo "Existing entries with these names or numbers will be overwritten 
+       echo "otherwise affected by this. On the other hand, some Fink packages 
+       echo "not work unless these entries are in the NetInfo database. You 
can make"
+       echo "adjustments to the files $PREFIX/etc/passwd-fink and"
+       echo "$PREFIX/etc/group-fink now (from another window), then say yes 
here. Or"
+       echo "you can say no here and add the users and groups manually (e.g. 
on your"
+       echo "central NetInfo server). If you don't know what all of this is 
+       echo "just say yes."
+       echo "Existing entries with these names or numbers will be overwritten 
+       echo "otherwise affected by this."
+/bin/echo "Do you want to continue? [Y/n] \c"
+read answer
+answer=`echo $answer | sed 's/^[yY].*$/y/'`
+if [ -z "$answer" -o "x$answer" = "xy" ]; then
+       echo
+       echo "Merging user info..."
+       merge_user_info "$PREFIX/etc/passwd-fink" `echo $2 | /usr/bin/sed 
+       echo "Merging group info..."
+       merge_group_info "$PREFIX/etc/group-fink" `echo $2 | /usr/bin/sed 
+       echo "Done."
+       echo "Okay, not adding the entries."
+exit 0

--- NEW FILE: passwd-core.info ---
Package: passwd-core
Version: 20100305
Revision: 1
Distribution: 10.7
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12)
Type: nosource
PatchFile: %n.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 5f37cc1e0b6704208c990f77e88b697b
CompileScript: <<
 sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <update-passwd.in >update-passwd
 sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <passwd-fink.in >passwd-fink
InstallScript: <<
 mkdir -p %i/etc %i/sbin
 install -c -m 644 passwd-fink %i/etc/
 install -c -m 644 group-fink %i/etc/
 install -c -m 755 update-passwd %i/sbin/
SplitOff: <<
 Package: passwd-news
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff2: <<
 Package: passwd-postgres
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff3: <<
 Package: passwd-games
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff4: <<
 Package: passwd-canna
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff5: <<
 Package: passwd-maildrop
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff6: <<
 Package: passwd-tomcat
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff7: <<
 Package: passwd-opennms
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff8: <<
 Package: passwd-distcc
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff9: <<
 Package: passwd-messagebus
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff10: <<
 Package: passwd-icecast
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff11: <<
 Package: passwd-gdm
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff12: <<
 Package: passwd-fink-bld
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff13: <<
 Package: passwd-ossec
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff14: <<
 Package: passwd-rt
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff15: <<
 Package: passwd-dovecot
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff16: <<
 Package: passwd-haldeamon
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff17: <<
 Package: passwd-avahi
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff18: <<
 Package: passwd-nagios
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
SplitOff19: <<
 Package: passwd-amqp
 Description: User and group entries for daemons
 Depends: passwd-core (>= 20090313-1)
 DocFiles: README
 PostInstScript: <<
  %p/sbin/update-passwd postinst %n
## More users can be added here as additional SplitOffN fields
## If a user becomes obsolete, that SplitOffN can be commented out
## as well as the corresponding entries in %p/etc/{passwd-fink,group-fink}

ConfFiles: %p/etc/passwd-fink %p/etc/group-fink
Description: User and group entries for daemons: core pkg
DescDetail: <<
This package adds several administrative user and group entries to
your user database. These are needed to protect the data of several
daemons (e.g. news server, database server).
DescUsage: <<
Packages that require a specific user (@user@), should set Depends: on 
'passwd-@user@'.  Packages that currently depend on 'passwd' (the legacy 
non-split package) can be upgraded at will to use their needed passwd-@user@
DescPackaging: <<
Each user:group is now controlled by a splitoff. Packages that require a 
user should depend on 'passwd-@user@' and not on the base package 'passwd'.
License: Public Domain
Maintainer: Fink Core Group <fink-c...@lists.sourceforge.net>

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