Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/editors
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv1357

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Latest version to 10.7

--- NEW FILE: texmacs-qt.info ---
Package: texmacs-qt
Revision: 1
Source: http://www.texmacs.org/Download/ftp/tmftp/source/TeXmacs-%v-src.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 70843d2dd22862a856789ff3166fae0d
License: GPL
Depends: x11-shlibs, tetex-base, guile18, ispell | aspell, wget, imlib2-shlibs, 
libiconv, freetype219-shlibs, gmp5-shlibs, libtool2-shlibs, libgettext3-shlibs, 
qt4-base-mac-qtcore-shlibs, qt4-base-mac-qtgui-shlibs
BuildDepends: x11, guile18-dev, x11-dev, imlib2, libiconv-dev, freetype219, 
gmp5, libtool2,  qt4-base-mac
BuildConflicts: freetype
Recommends: ghostscript, netpbm, xfig, macaulay2, maxima, pari-gp, scilab
ConfigureParams: --libexecdir=%p/lib --mandir=%p/share/man --with-iconv=/usr 
--with-freetype=linked --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include 
--x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib --enable-qt --with-qt=%p/lib/qt4-mac/bin
# Doesn't build with clang due to C++ issues.
SetCC: llvm-gcc
SetCXX: llvm-g++
PatchScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
# change hardwired paths for ispell and aspell 
 perl -pi.bak -e 's|/usr/lib/ispell/|%p/lib/|g' src/Plugins/Ispell/ispell.cpp
 perl -pi.bar -e 's|/usr/lib/aspell/|%p/share/aspell/|g' 
# make place for Apple's resize brick in quartz-wm # not needed in Lion
# perl -pi.bak -e 's|(set_right_footer )\(s\)|$1 (s * "   ")|g' 
# make the R plugin compile
 perl -pi.bak -e 's|\-lutil||g' plugins/r/Makefile 
 perl -pi.bak -e 's|pty.h|util.h|g' plugins/r/src/tm_r.c 
# temporary hack to make the graphviz plugin work: 
# Instead of allocating successive pieces of 1kB, we allocate one chunk 
# of 1MB which should be sufficient for most postscript figures from graphviz 
 perl -pi.bak -e '
    s,malloc\(1025\),malloc\(1024\*1000\+1\),g ;
    s,(fread.*) 1024,$1 1024\*1000,g
 ' plugins/graphviz/src/tm_graphviz.c
# work around the eternal 'echo -n' problem with Apple's 150% pseudo-POSIX 
 perl -pi -e 's|\#\!/bin/sh|#!/bin/bash|' `/usr/bin/grep '\#\!/bin/' -r plugins 
# fix tempfile mess in asy and gnuplot plugins
 perl -pi.bak -e 's|TEMPDIR=.*|TEMP_DIR=/private/var/tmp/|' 
plugins/asymptote/bin/tm_asy plugins/gnuplot/bin/tm_gnuplot
## work around "variable length array of non-POD element type" error in clang
# perl -pi.bak -e 's,SUNPRO_CC,SUNPRO_CC || __APPLE_CC__,' 
# don't bundle shared libs
 sed -i".bak" -e '2s|^| exit 0|' packages/macos/*.sh
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
 export PATH=%p/share/guile/1.8/scripts/binoverride:%p/lib/freetype219/bin:$PATH
 export QTDIR=%p/lib/qt4-mac
 ./configure %c
 export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=%p/share/guile/1.8
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
 mv ../distr/TeXmacs-%v.app ../distr/TeXmacs-qt.app
# /bin/cp -pR TeXmacs/doc 
AppBundles: ../distr/TeXmacs-qt.app
Description: TeX-based WYSIWYG editor
DescDetail: <<
 GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was both inspired
 by TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured
 documents via a wysiwyg (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) and user
 friendly interface. New styles may be created by the user. The program
 implements high-quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts, which
 help you to produce professionally looking documents.

 The high typesetting quality still goes through for automatically
 generated formulas, which makes TeXmacs suitable as an interface for
 computer algebra systems. TeXmacs also supports the Guile/Scheme
 extension language, so that you may customize the interface and write
 your own extensions to the editor.
 There exist now 3 different Fink packages for TeXmacs, 
 corresponding to different graphics libraries:

 1. The "texmacs" package uses X11 graphics. 
    This is the traditional interface,
    and this is the most mature and most stable among the 3 packages,
    but it is no longer up-to-date.
    It provides the "texmacs" command. 
2.  The "texmacs-qt" package uses the qt4-mac graphics library.
    This has a more Mac-like look and feel, and it is the one 
    currently most actively developed.
    It comes now as a standard Mac app "TeXmacs-qt",
    to be found in /Applications/Fink/.
 3. The "texmacs-aqua" package uses the Mac-native cocoa library.
    This is a standard Mac app, to be found in
    /Applications/Fink/, but it is still very rough around the edges,
    and it seems to be abandoned.

 TeXmacs provides a unified GUI for asymptote, cadabra, gnuplot, 
 graphviz, macaulay2, maxima, octave, pari-gp, python, scilab and 
 many other programs if they are installed.
 Ghostscript is needed for importing images. Since even the TeXmacs 
 documentation contains images, ghostscript is strongly recommended. 
 For importing non-postscript images, the netpbm package is recommended.
Maintainer: Martin Costabel <costa...@wanadoo.fr>
Homepage: http://www.texmacs.org

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