On 19/1/02 6:48 AM, "Max Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Package: foo
> Version: 1.0
> Revision: 1
> ConfigureParams: --with-gargle-blaster
> Depends: bar
> DefaultOption: x11
> Option: ssl
>  Depends: openssl
> NotOption: ssl
>  ConfigureParams: --without-ssl
> Option: x11
>  Depends: x11
> NotOption: x11
>  ConfigureParams: --without-x
> Option: gnome
>  ImpliesOption: x11
>  ConfigureParams: --with-panel
>  Depends: gnome
> NotOption: gnome
>  ConfigureParams: --without-gnome
> NotOption: japanese
>  ConfigureParams: --without-japanese

That looks really good, actually!

> Get what I mean? Note that the option "gnome" implies the option
> "x11". I am not sure how much sense I make, and there are probably
> holes in my thoguhts, so feel free to point them out :)

It seems pretty good to me, I can't think of anything else to add.

> Now the next step. How does a user specify options?
> Mabye like configure does:
>  fink install foo --with-gnome --with-japanese
> Or like the current way:
>  fink install foo-gnome-japanese
> Or maybe completly different
>  fink install foo (gnome, japanese)

You could do that, (1st one, ala configure scripts), but also, if a user
just did "fink install foo", you'd probably want a choice as to what variant
you would like to install, i.e.:

Please choose one of the following:

[1] Default
[2] SSL-enabled
[3] X11-enabled
[4] Gnome-enabled
[5] etc....

On top of that, you might want to add an option in the PREFIX/fink.conf file
to not have the option of choosing these variants?

One thing which might also be nice is if you pressed "1" for the 'menu'
above, and pressed 'tab', it should perhaps come up with a list of

> And how do we map all this to dpkg names? One way would be to take
> the list of options, sort them alphabetically, and add concat them
> with the package name using "-".
> So the above examples would result in the .deb for foo-gnome-japanese-x11

That would be good, but it might be nice to distinguish from the ACTUAL
package, and the options that have been enabled, although I'm not sure
how... (One way may be to capitalise the package name, but that would
probably be a problem, as I've never seen a .deb file with capitals)


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