I was unable to get Apple's mod_perl to do anything at all, it just kept 

Also, I am confused as to exactly what Apache::Request is, and where it 
is found, because all these work (and I've never installed a specific 

[localhost:~] kyle% perl -MApache::Request -e '1'
[localhost:~] kyle% perl -e 'use Apache::Request ()'
[localhost:~] kyle% perldoc Apache::Request

        Apache::Request - Methods for dealing with client request

            use Apache::Request ();
            my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r);

        Apache::Request is a subclass of the Apache class, which
        adds methods for parsing GET requests and POST requests
        where Content-type is one of application/x-www-form-
        urlencoded or multipart/form-data. See the libapreq(3)
        manpage for more details.

> On Tuesday, February 19, 2002, at 08:49 PM, Kyle Moffett wrote:
>> Therefore:  The instability in Apache::Request (A part of mod_perl) 
>> may be due to the fact that mod_perl was unstable itself in the .so lib
> I wouldn't say so.  I've had mod_perl working for a very long time, but 
> Apache::Request is a tougher nut to crack.  I didn't play around very 
> much with the Apple-distributed mod_perl, so I'm not sure how stable it 
> was, but I didn't have any problems with mod_perls I built myself.

I don't know about custom-built dynamic ones, I just rebuilt my mod_perl 
static and this worked well.

> Also, Apache::Request isn't really a part of mod_perl - it's not part 
> of the base installation, it comes separately on CPAN.

It was installed as part of the mod_perl package I got at 
http://perl.apache.org/dist/mod_perl-1.26.tar.gz (It may be different 
from the one at CPAN)

> Would it be worth creating a mod_perl fink package?  It shouldn't be 
> too difficult, except that there are a lot of different ways to build 
> it and I guess we'd have to choose one.

Yes it would, Apple mod_perl is impossible to use (unstable), so a Fink 
one would really make things easier.

Kyle Moffett

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