Kyle, the big difference between my proposal and your proposal is that
my proposal puts the burden of keeping things straight on the maintainer
of the package providing the libraries, and your proposal puts the
burden of keeping things straight on the maintainers of other packages.

Under your system, let's say I introduce foo-3.0.0 which is not backwards
compatible. Now all of the other developers need to revise their packages
immediately, because their packages were saying
  Depends: foo (>= 2.0.0)
but now they need to say
  Depends: foo (>= 2.0.0 << 3.0.0)
See the problem?

Under your system, let's say that there is already a package named foo
which has binaries, headers and libraries.  Now we revise, creating
new packages foo-bin, foo, foo-shlibs.  Now all of the other developers
need to revised immediately, because their packages said
  Depends: foo
but (under your proposal) the new foo only depends on foo-shlibs, not
on foo-bin.  So if their package actually uses foo-bin, it will break.

The second one is what I was trying to address with this recent email.
Yes, we want the other developers to revise, but we can't assume they
will do so right away.  So to *temporarily* put
  Depends: foo-shlibs, foo-bin
into the foo package makes sense to me.  Once all other developers have
revised, the foo package can be revised to say "Depends: foo-shlibs".

  -- Dave

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