On 17/4/02 5:35 PM, "Max Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 2:58 Uhr +0200 17.04.2002, Kilian Koepsell wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 05:30:55PM -0400, Chris Devers wrote:
>>>  [...]
>>>>> Type: bundle
>>>>> Depends: xfree86-base (= 4.2.0-4), xfree86-rootless (= 4.2.0-2)
>>>>> Description: Prevents automatic update...
>>>  It's an interesting strategy, but still kind of a pain. I like the earlier
>>>  thought about "--no-update=mozilla", except that it's stateless (have to
>>>  remember to do it every time) and it seems like feeding it a list (gtk,
>>>  qt, mozilla, etc other long ones like that) would be stretching what a
>>>  flag like that should really be accomodating.
>>>  Maybe a stub file, or a stub field in fink.conf, can have packages to
>>>  exclude from updates, being a wrapper around a hack like the one JFM
>>>  suggests [1] of creating a dummy package descriptor, and maybe a new "fink
>>>  exclude ..." sub-command can be used to create the list in the first
>>>  place.
>> hi,
>> i like that idea. what about a command like
>>   fink hold mozilla
> Maybe we do this....
>> which checks for the latest mozilla version, say 0.9.9-4, then
>> creates a new file hold-mozilla-0.9.9-4.info containing the above
>> mentioned few lines and installs the package hold-mozilla-0.9.9-4.
> ... but certainly not this way! That's a hack, and has all sorts of
> problem (I am not going to list them all here now, I have to go to
> university). The proper way is to add a seperate file/DB for this to
> Fink where it keeps track of this information. Also we'd need a
> reverse "release" or so command.
> There are many better ways to do this than to introduce fake packages.
> Still this doesn't mean I say it'll be added like this. Submit a
> feature request if you like.
> Max

I'm pretty sure dpkg (or it might be apt) does this. Through dselect, at
least, you can 'hold' a package, and it is simply not upgraded (version or
revision) until you 'unhold' it.

[ Actually... It's dpkg. Presumably something like 'dpkg --hold <package>'
would do the trick... ]


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