OK, boys and girls. Here is a list of packages I have built and installed on my 
system. I am currently working my way tword bundle-kde, but am having problems with 
openjade-1.3.1 with gcc3. For the packages i need to patch, i will send the updates to 
the maintainers (i don't mean to offend anyone) or adopt them myself and put them on 
the package tracker.

  i  audiofile       0.2.3-4     Audio File Library
  i  audiofile-bin   0.2.3-4     Audio File Library
  i  audiofile-shlib 0.2.3-4     Audio File Library
  i  autoconf25      2.53-1      System for generating configure scripts
  i  automake        1.6.1-1     Makefile generator
  i  automake15      1.5-2       Makefile generator
  i  base-files      1.5-1       Directory infrastructure
  i  bitchx-ssl      1.0c19-2    IRC client
  i  bzip2           1.0.2-1     Block-sorting file compressor
  i  darwin          6.0-1       [virtual package representing the kernel]
  i  db3             3.3.11-7    Berkeley DB embedded database
  i  db3-shlibs      3.3.11-7    Shared Libraries for db3
  i  debianutils     1.16-1      Misc. utilities specific to Debian (and Fink)
  i  di              3.4-1       Disk Information Utility
  i  dialog          0.9a-200203 Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from sh...
  i  dlcompat        20020527-1  Dynamic loading compatibility library
  i  docbook-dsssl-n 1.76-1      Norman Walsh's DSSSL DocBook stylesheets.
  i  dpkg            1.9.20-3    The Debian package manager
  i  efax            0.9a-001114 Simple FAX utility
  i  esound          0.2.23-5    Enlightened Sound Daemon
  i  esound-bin      0.2.23-5    Enlightened Sound Daemon
  i  esound-common   0.2.23-5    Enlightened Sound Daemon
  i  esound-shlibs   0.2.23-5    Enlightened Sound Daemon
  i  expat           1.95.1-3    C library for parsing XML
  i  expat-shlibs    1.95.1-3    C library for parsing XML
  i  fileutils       4.1-3       Common shell commands like ls, touch, chmod
  i  fink            0.9.12-1    The Fink package manager
  i  fix-fink        1.0-1       Utility to fix libSystem problems in a fink...
  i  freetype2       2.0.8-4     TrueType font rendering library, version 2
  i  freetype2-shlib 2.0.8-4     TrueType font rendering library, version 2,...
  i  gdbm            1.8.0-6     GNU dbm library
  i  gdbm-shlibs     1.8.0-6     GNU dbm library
  i  gettext         0.10.40-2   Message localization support
  i  giflib          4.1.0-5     GIF image format handling library, LZW-enab...
  i  giflib-bin      4.1.0-5     GIF image format handling library, LZW-enab...
  i  giflib-shlibs   4.1.0-5     GIF image format handling library, LZW-enab...
  i  glib            1.2.10-6    Common C routines used by Gtk+ and other libs
  i  glib-shlibs     1.2.10-6    Common C routines used by Gtk+ and other libs
  i  gmp             4.0.1-2     GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
  i  gmp-shlibs      4.0.1-2     GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
  i  gtk+            1.2.10-10   The Gimp Toolkit
  i  gtk+-data       1.2.10-10   The Gimp Toolkit
  i  gtk+-shlibs     1.2.10-10   The Gimp Toolkit
  i  gzip            1.3.3-1     The gnuzip file compressor
  i  hexcurse        1.50-1      Terminal-based hex editor
  i  lame            3.92-4      MP3 encoder and graphical frame analyzer
  i  lame-shlibs     3.92-4      MP3 encoder and graphical frame analyzer
  i  lesstif-dev     0.93.18-4   Free implementation of OSF/Motif
  i  lesstif-shlibs  0.93.18-4   Free implementation of OSF/Motif
  i  libiconv        1.7-3       Character set conversion library
  i  libjpeg         6b-5        JPEG image format handling library
  i  libjpeg-bin     6b-5        JPEG image format handling library
  i  libjpeg-shlibs  6b-5        JPEG image format handling library
  i  libogg          1.0rc3-3    Ogg Bitstream Library
  i  libogg-shlibs   1.0rc3-3    Ogg Bitstream Library
  i  libpng          1.0.12-6    PNG image format handling library
  i  libpng-shlibs   1.0.12-6    PNG image format handling library
  i  libpoll         1.1-3       SysV poll(2) Emulation Library
  i  libpoll-shlibs  1.1-3       SysV poll(2) Emulation Library
  i  libtiff         3.5.7-7     TIFF image format library and tools
  i  libtiff-bin     3.5.7-7     TIFF image format library and tools
  i  libtiff-shlibs  3.5.7-7     TIFF image format library and tools
  i  libtool14       1.4.2-5     Shared library build helper, v1.4
  i  libtool14-shlib 1.4.2-5     Shared library build helper, v1.4
  i  libvorbis       1.0rc3-3    The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
  i  libvorbis-shlib 1.0rc3-3    The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
  i  lynx-ssl        2.8.4-2     Console based web browser (SSL-enabled)
  i  m4              1.4-6       Advanced macro processing language
  i  macosx          10.2-1      [virtual package representing the system]
  i  manconf         20020121-2  Wrapper script for man which forces use of ...
  i  mpg123          pre0.59s-2  Real time MPEG Audio Player for Layer 1,2 a...
  i  nano            1.0.9-1     Improved clone of the Pico text editor.
  i  ncftp           3.1.3-1     Browser program using ftp protocol
  i  ncurses         5.2-2002051 Full-screen ascii drawing library
  i  netpbm-shlibs   9.24-4      Graphics manipulation programs and libraries
  i  openssl         0.9.6c-3    Secure Sockets Layer and general crypto lib...
  i  openssl-dev     0.9.6c-3    Secure Sockets Layer and general crypto lib...
  i  openssl-shlibs  0.9.6c-3    Secure Sockets Layer and general crypto lib...
  i  sh-utils        2.0-2       GNU shellutils for Darwin
  i  storable-pm     1.0.14-1    Perl module for persistent data structures
  i  tar             1.13.19-1   GNU tar - tape archiver
  i  wget            1.8.1-1     Automatic web site retreiver
  i  xfontpath       0.4-1       X font path manager for fink.
  i  xfree86-base    4.2.0-5     XFree86 libraries, utilities, clients and d...
  i  xfree86-rootles 4.2.0-2     MacOS X/Darwin XFree86 display server.
  i  zlib            1.1.4-1     Compression library

-chris zubrzycki
- --
PGP public key: http://homepage.mac.com/beren/publickey.txt
ID: 0xA2ABC070
Fingerprint: 26B0 BA6B A409 FA83 42B3  1688 FBF9 8232 A2AB C070
I think you've been smoking Cocoa instead of coding with it....


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