I just got a dual proc box (only G4/450s, not one of the 1.25GHz :(   and
I'm wondering if there's a way to have Fink make use of both processors
while compiling. It seems that while Fink is compiling something, I still
have about 50% of my CPUs idle, or, one processor. I'm wondering if anyone
has a patch for something like that. And I actually have a bit of an idea
for it.

I know that right before Fink compiles an application it checks all of the
dependencies for it. I'm then presented with a list telling me what will be
compiled and installed. What if Fink took this list and divided it by the
number of processors in the system? For example, if I'm installing
xfree86-rootless and it determines that I need 24 packages, why not break up
the package list and compile two packages at once? Are dependencies required
at compile time or only at runtime? Even if it's compile time I'm sure there
is a way to do this that is quicker.

Just a thought :)


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