[cross-posted to fink-devel]
Luned́, ottobre 28, 2002, alle 11:10 , Martin Costabel ha scritto su [fink-beginners]:

You should try to get some more information about what is happening. Keep cmd-v pressed at boot time until the boot messages start appearing on the screen.

You could also try to boot into single user mode (cmd-s on boot) and check a couple of permissions with ls -la, for example

% ls -lad / /etc /etc/ /var /var/
drwxrwxr-t 39 root admin 1326 Oct 23 19:19 /
lrwxrwxr-t 1 root admin 11 Oct 23 19:19 /etc -> private/etc
drwxr-xr-x 103 root wheel 3502 Oct 17 11:29 /etc/
lrwxrwxr-t 1 root admin 11 Oct 23 19:19 /var -> private/var
drwxr-xr-x 22 root wheel 748 Oct 23 19:19 /var/
Thanks, Martin, first of all for telling me how to coax a Mac into booting more verbosely and in single-user mode, second for "hitting the nail on the head" with your suggestion.
More details are given below, but here the diagnosis in a nutshell: the filesystem was only slightly damaged, and no system file had been modified. The cause was indeed wrong rights on the directory / and the links /etc and /var:

$> ls -lad / /etc /etc/ /var /var/
drwx------ 44 2011 staff 1452 Oct 29 12:27 /
lrwx------ 1 2011 staff 11 Oct 29 12:27 /etc -> private/etc
drwxr-xr-x 72 root wheel 2404 Oct 29 11:04 /etc/
lrwx------ 1 2011 staff 11 Oct 29 12:27 /var -> private/var
drwxr-xr-x 19 root wheel 602 Oct 29 12:28 /var/

Changing owner and rights back to reasonable values solved the problem:

$> ls -lad / /etc /etc/ /var /var/
drwxr-xr-t 44 root staff 1452 Oct 29 12:27 /
lrwxr-xr-t 1 root staff 11 Oct 29 12:27 /etc -> private/etc
drwxr-xr-x 72 root wheel 2404 Oct 29 11:04 /etc/
lrwxr-xr-t 1 root staff 11 Oct 29 12:27 /var -> private/var
drwxr-xr-x 19 root wheel 602 Oct 29 12:28 /var/

I'd be curious to know how you came to suspect problems with precisely these files...
I have strictly no clue where that user 2011 could come from (how do you ask NetInfo if it knows about it ?). The problem is however reproducible: installing the binary installer package anew changes again the owner of /,/etc and /var to 2011 and the access rights to 700, even if I remove the /sw tree beforehand.
A second attempt at installing fink now fully succeeded. Of course I didn't re-install the whole system, so it is hard to tell what exactly was different. So the two following advices for people installing fink are really only superstitious ideas until someone finds out where the problem came from.
- don't install the bin-installer-package twice,
- at the first usage of dselect, don't select many packages yet. Possibly add one or two base packages like anacron or daemonic, then do the installation: this is where install-scripts prompt you to authorize adding new users to the NetInfo base. Then you can go back and select new packages. (when I selected many packages at once the first time, I got a number of error messages. I didn't get any the second time. As I said: only circumstantial evidence, not even a plausible explanation).

If any developer would like more information, I have a dump of modified files and can answer questions (and even reproduce the problem now that I know how to get the system back on track...).

Merci encore Martin !
and thank's a lot to all you Fink developers for this fine system !

some more details about what I could find out:
Booting was completed, but then the login window crashed and restarted periodically. Except for system.log, nothing interesting could be found among the recently modified files. According to system.log, the boot sequence was normal (at least at a rough glance) until the login server started:

Oct 28 21:01:43 manray configd[125]: executing /usr/sbin/DirectoryService
Oct 28 21:01:43 manray automount[265]: automount version 23
Oct 28 21:01:43 manray lookupd[213]: _lookup_all(getfsent) failed
Oct 28 21:01:43 manray lookupd[213]: _lookup_all(getfsent) failed
Oct 28 21:01:51 manray slpd: STATE: *** slpd started ***
Oct 28 21:01:53 manray mach_init[2]: added notification for sub-bootstrap
Oct 28 21:01:56 manray /usr/libexec/CrashReporter: Failed writing crash report: /private/var/tmp/loginwindow.crash.log
Oct 28 21:01:56 manray mach_init[2]: notified that requestor of subset 7427 died
Oct 28 21:01:56 manray WindowServer[74]: loginwindow connection closed; closing server.
Oct 28 21:01:56 manray mach_init[2]: Service WindowServer deleted - bootstrap deleted
Oct 28 21:01:56 manray mach_init[2]: Service NSApplication-MainThread-148496975# deleted - bootstrap deleted
Oct 28 21:01:56 manray mach_init[2]: Service DockClient-20001-0 deleted - bootstrap deleted
Oct 28 21:01:56 manray WindowServer[294]: Display 0x4248068: Unit 0; Vendor 0x610 Model 0x9215 S/N 33555754; online (0,0)[1024 x 768], base addr 0xa000b000
Oct 28 21:01:56 manray mach_init[2]: added notification for sub-bootstrap
Oct 28 21:01:57 manray mach_init[2]: notified that requestor of subset 3987 died
Oct 28 21:01:57 manray mach_init[2]: Service WindowServer deleted - bootstrap deleted
Oct 28 21:01:57 manray mach_init[2]: Service NSApplication-MainThread-1148242017# deleted - bootstrap deleted
Oct 28 21:01:57 manray mach_init[2]: Service DockClient-20001-0 deleted - bootstrap deleted

That's where the system would remain eternally, the last part (from the message "..loginwindow connection closed...") then repeating every 30 seconds. The loginwindow.crash.log mentioned above was unfortunately empty.
A strange error message was output to a terminal window and to the file /private/var/log/mail.log:

Oct 28 19:21:56 manray sendmail[3201]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): /etc/mail/submit.cf: line 416: readcf: option RunAsUser: unknown user smmsp

No idea if this user "smmsp" has anything to do with fink, or if the error was induced by an unreadable filesystem.
Apart from that the file system was slightly damaged, but not beyond fsck's capabilities, and repairing it did not change the repeated loginwindow crashes at boot time.

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