Hash: RIPEMD160

In this regard, mpg123 is tagged as Restrictive (which it is) and so doesn't make it to the binary distribution whereas the License says :
Here are some comments on this topic from our in house lawyer.
The software may not be sold for profit or as "hidden" part of
another software,
This simply means, that you cannot offer a software called AB, distributing it as AB while a significant part of the AB software relies on functionality provided by mpg123.

 but it may be included with collections
of other software, such as CD-ROM images of FTP servers and
Since "and similar" is a term which can be interpreted to be pretty much anything of a collection holding resources for a software repository I as a lawyer would see Fink to be covered by this sentence.

 provided that this software is not a significant part
of that collection.

Once more this plays back to the mentioning above. It simply means that the software collection you offer as AC may not rely on functions provided by mpg123 to ensure its functionality. Which is, as far as I understood, not the case.

Precompiled binaries of this software may be distributed in the
same way, provided that this copyright notice and license is
included without modification.

As long as the binary packages you are distributing hold a file which includes this text and this text-file is installed, there should be no legal issues concerning the redistribution if mp123 as a binary.
	Wouldn't we need an additional License for packages like this ?

From a legal point of view, at least within Europe and Asia, no.
- -----
I hope the above comments help

- -d

- - Face me and you shall surely perish.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)


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