On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 12:11  AM, Patrick Sodré wrote:

Sounds like a bug... or maybe something that fink validate should take care of informing.
Also... it is almost impossible to figure out which "here-document" didn't close, is it possible to enhance the code to print out the order that it opened and closed the "here-documents"
Services.pm has:

if (/^\s*<<$/) {
$hash->{$lastkey} .= $_."\n" if ($heredoc > 0);
} else {
$hash->{$lastkey} .= $_."\n";
$heredoc++ if (/<<$/);

A possible fix would be to make that:

if (/^\s*<<\s*$/) {
$hash->{$lastkey} .= $_."\n" if ($heredoc > 0);
} else {
$hash->{$lastkey} .= $_."\n";
$heredoc++ if (/<<\s*$/);

Whitespace is already accepted after the << which BEGINS a here-doc section:

next if /^\s*\#/; # skip comments
if (/^([0-9A-Za-z_.\-]+)\:\s*(\S.*?)\s*$/) {
$lastkey = $notLC ? $1 : lc $1;
if ($2 eq "<<") {
$hash->{$lastkey} = "";
$heredoc = 1;
} else {
$hash->{$lastkey} = $2;
} elsif (/^\s+(\S.*?)\s*$/) {
$hash->{$lastkey} .= "\n".$1;

Sound good?


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