At 8:00 AM -0800 1/13/03, Ben Hines wrote:
On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 03:03  AM, Jakub Steiner wrote:

Hello there,
I noticed fink's GIMP package uses --no-shm --no-xshm because it's
broken. This is a call for help if anyone's interested/has some idle

I don't think your shm will ever work well on OS X. I assume you are using sys v shared memory - OS X by default has a very small sysv shared memory allocation, which you are likely to hit quickly. <looks at the source> It looks like you are using SysV shm with shmat(). I think POSIX shm works better on OS X, and definitely mmap works fine. POSIX shm is more standard than sysv shm anyway, so you should probably switch.
Of course the --no-xshm refers to using the MIT-SHM X extension. This is not something GNOME can do anything about. MIT-SHM only works with Sys V shared memory. I have thrown around the idea of writing an MIT-SHM2 which would abstract the shared memory API and allow us to write a POSIX shared memory implementation. Although the idea was well received, it requires time to write, time to become part of the next major XFree86 release, and time for application developers like the GNOME project to switch over to using the new X extension. A good idea that's not happening soon...


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