John:  It's not quite that simple.  Most packages need to be patched to
use "-framework vecLib" instead of "-L%p/lib -latlas -llapack -lcblas".
The fft stuff is problematic since I'm pretty sure the vecLib fft has a
different calling interface than fftw.  No virtual package is necessary -
any 10.2 package can safely link the vecLib framework since it is part of
the Dev Tools.


 On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, John Davidorff Pell wrote:

> How easy would it be to write a virtual package that "provides: fft,
> blas, lapack" for 10.2? I can do it if someone would tell me how to add
> lines to the gcc string when another package builddepends on fft, blas,
> or lapack.
> JP
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