Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 01:05:21 +0100 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Samuel Lelievre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: fink
Hello I am thankful to the people who develop / document fink. I have two small suggestions. On the "Download quick start" page you say --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Open a new window and type "pico .cshrc". A text editor will pop up. Enter this line: source /sw/bin/init.csh To get out of the editor, press control-O, return, control-X. Close the window. 4. Open a new window and type "fink scanpackages". (This does one final bit of necessary setup. When asked for a password, enter the password of your normal user account.) Then type "sudo dselect", which will launch you into a package selection app. In the menu, hit "[U]pdate" once, then go to "[S]elect" to choose the packages you want installed. When you're done, hit "[I]nstall" to actually install the packages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concerning point number 3, there is a similar point in the "user's guide", point 2.3, that says ----- Be sure that you pressed Return at least once after the line, then press Control-O, Return, Control-X to get out of the editor. ----- So if pressing Return is indeed required I suggest you say so also on the "Download quick start" page. (I didn't think of doing that, should I proceed again?) Point number 4 is perfectly clear. Maybe a point number 5 would be nice, like 5. The next time you want to install packages, ... I say that because I don't know if I should - repeat the whole of point 4 - type fink sudo dselect - just type sudo dselect or something else (this might seem very silly to you). If the answer is just "repeat the whole of point 4, then that's great, I only suggest adding that to the page. Best regards, Samuel Lelievre ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.NET email is sponsored by: SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See! _______________________________________________ Fink-devel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]