On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 12:01  AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

cc -multiply_defined suppress -prebind blah || cc -flat_namespace -undefined suppress blah
1. libkdeui's LIBADD is "-lkdecore"
2. the first half of the link complains that -lqt-mt is indirectly referenced
3. it builds the library flat, and continues on

when what *should* happen is it dies at #2, and we add -lqt-mt to libkdeui's LIBADD like it should be.
Why? An option to stop if two_level namespace can't be built, I can see as a good thing for people porting stuff to darwin, however some stuff is quite happy being flat, even if it only missing the usual environ symbol, and imo, libtool shouldn't die by default.

The default should be to continue if possible unless told otherwise, the fewer people who have to add custom flags and options the better.


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