David R. Morrison wrote:
Pedro Massobrio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What can I tell to people who installed Virex-7.2 over a Fink installation and are asking for a solution?

Thanks, Pedro

Alexander Strange suggested

  'fink reinstall openssl-shlibs dlcompat-shlibs curl-ssl-shlibs'

and this sounds good to me.  Note that it hasn't been tested by the Fink
developers, though, and that it also might break Virex.
And, most importantly, it might install stuff you hadn't installed yet. Before this is dumped onto innocent fink-beginners (who might not even have the dev tools installed), it should be explained a little further:

Something like:

"Check whether you have any of openssl-shlibs dlcompat-shlibs curl-ssl-shlibs installed:

fink list -i openssl-shlibs dlcompat-shlibs curl-ssl-shlibs

If any one of these shows up, then reinstall it, either from binaries via apt-get/dselect/FinkCommander, or from source, using 'fink reinstall'.'


  -- Dave

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