On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Max Horn wrote:

> Ah....
> <sarcasm>
> I wasn't aware that we had resolved all the issues with this? And
> that we agreed to release it to unstable... The discussion on this on
> fink-devel must have slipped by me. For example, I completly missed
> all the responses to Masanori's worries regarding the GTK+ 2.0 <->
> 2.2 + XFree86 4.2 <-> 4.3  update mess... Damn, I must have a big
> problem with my email client, or maybe it's just a case of amnesia.
> Phew, I almost thought for a moment you rushed headlong and
> thoughtlessly posted this, but clearly there was a consensus on
> fink-devel to do it before, and I just missed it, right?
> I also somehow imagined I had sent an email some time ago to
> fink-devel on how to go about announcing major changes. I must have
> dreamt that up, too, because  otherwise people would surely follow
> it, not ignoring it and shitting on it, correct? Surely nobody on a
> cooperative project would do this, would they?
> </sarcasm>

Max:  I sent an email to fink-devel last Thursday I think, proposing this
solution.  No one objected, and some responded positively (to me
privately, not to the list) - so I took the deafening silence as tacit
approval.  If fact, the only suggestion I got was to send email to
fink-announce when I added the packages.

I guess I missed the GTK2 upgrade issue.

Anyhow - since this is a new package at least people have to consciously
make the decsion to install (as opposed to blindly upgrading via


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