
I'm putting together a fink package for cernlib ( http://cernlib.web.cern.ch/cernlib ) which includes paw (old feature request http://sourceforge.net/tracker/ index.php?func=detail&aid=659283&group_id=17203&atid=371315 ).

Now I have the following problem: cernlib builds with both g77 version 3.1. and 3.3(.1). However, doing some extensive tests shows that the version build with g77 3.3(.1) has some problems with math algorithms. The cernlib is not being actively maintained any more and an official fix for g77 3.3(.1) is very unlikely. I do not have the time nor the knowledge to solve the problem. The cernlib version built with g77 3.1 works AFAIK flawlessly.

I'd like to know how I should handle this issue. Is it possible to keep a g77 version 3.1 in fink? Or how do I specify that I cannot use g77 3.3? I tried to BuildDepend on g77 (<< 3.3) which didn't work out.

Thanks a lot for your advice.


--------------------------------------------------------------------- I haven't lost my mind - it's backed up on my disk somewhere.

Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of California, Irvine       URL:    http://cern.ch/mommsen
c/o SLAC                             voice:        ++1 (650) 926-3595
2575 Sand Hill Road #35                fax:        ++1 (650) 926-3882
Menlo Park, CA 94025, US              home:        ++1 (650) 233-9041

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