Why didn't you just use "fink install pwlib"?
Note: The update to the December 2002 Dev Tools is counterrecommended for Fink. Check out the first news item at http://fink.sourceforge.net/

Alexander K. Hansen
Levitated Dipole Experiment

On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 07:37 PM, John Tulko wrote:


I was wondering if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong or give me some suggestions for the following error:

[jtulko:/sw/src/pwlib] jtulko# make both
set -e; make -C src/ptlib/unix opt; make -C tools/asnparser opt;
c++ -DP_MACOSX=66 -DNO_LONG_DOUBLE -D_REENTRANT -Wall -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -I/sw/src/pwlib/include/ptlib/unix -I/sw/src/pwlib/include -O2 -DNDEBUG -fno-common -dynamic -DPTRACING=1 -c maccoreaudio.cxx -o /sw/src/pwlib/lib/obj_Darwin_ppc_r/maccoreaudio.o
maccoreaudio.cxx: In member function `BOOL PSoundChannel::SetFormat(unsigned
int, unsigned int, unsigned int)':
maccoreaudio.cxx:733: error: non-lvalue in unary `&'
maccoreaudio.cxx:738: error: non-lvalue in unary `&'
/sw/src/pwlib/include/ptlib/pdirect.h: At global scope:
/sw/src/pwlib/include/ptlib/pdirect.h:458: warning: inline function `static
BOOL PDirectory::Remove(const PString&)' used but never defined
make[1]: *** [/sw/src/pwlib/lib/obj_Darwin_ppc_r/maccoreaudio.o] Error 1
make: *** [opt] Error 2

I have done the following:

tar -xzvf pwlib_1.5.0.tar.gz from /sw/src/
tar -xzvf openh323_1.12.0.tar.gz from /sw/src/

created .tcshrc in my home directory that contains the following:

setenv PWLIBDIR /sw/src/pwlib
setenv OPENH323DIR /sw/src/openh323
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $PWLIBDIR/lib:$OPENH323DIR/lib:/System/Library/Frameworks/ AudioToolbox.framework/Headers

I've installed Dec2002DevToolsCD, Dec2002gccUpdater & CoreAudioSDKApril2003

Many thanks in advance,

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