David R. Morrison wrote:

I'd like to point out one feature of the current website which may not
be obvious.

A single xml file, which creates website content, is used to produce
three types of output: (1) the structured php which we use on the website
(2) "monolithic" html files, less flexible, but which we distribute on
the disk image with our binary distribution, (3) pure text files, some
of which are stored in various locations on our CVS site for use as
README files and so on.

So, while I understand the advantages of a simpler system for quick additions to the site, I would be reluctant to give up the power of
our current setup.

I both agree and disagree. ;)

I think our xml stuff is great and very useful for the documentation, but I don't know that it gains us much for the parts of the site that dmalloc is talking about. General navigation and site flow and stuff I think are currently pretty cumbersome, and aren't terribly useful in the context of bundled documentation.

It would be great if we could use something like http://www.axkit.org/ or something similar (one of the xml "publishing" frameworks). This would let us generate all the formats you talk about for documentation, but give us a lot more flexibility on other parts of the site.

Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick -- http://ranger.befunk.com/
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"You can scoff, Lister, that's nothing new.  They laughed at Galileo.
They laughed at Edison.  They laughed at Columbo."   "Who's Columbo?"
"The man with the dirty mac who discovered America."   -- _Red Dwarf_

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