Hiya folks,

yesterday I encountered a potential show stopper bug, apparently in gettext. I need your help to analyze it since I (stupidly) overwrote my bad .deb files, so now I can't find out what was wrong.

But let me start at the beginning. The problem occurred like this:

1) I "fink rebuild fileutils ; fink install fileutils" (my new version 4.1-4, but it also happened with 4.1-3)
2) After that, doing a seemingly innocent "ls" resulted in a bus error. Ouch!

Checking with gdb, it crashed when calling a gettext function. So I did a "fink rebuild gettext", and that fixed it. I didn't think anymore about it, believing it was just something odd on my system.
Now today, dmalloc / David encountered the exact same problem. My fix of rebuilding gettext helped him, too.

Now what I ask of all of you: if you can, please try to do what I did (i.e. rebuild & install fileutils). If you also get a bus error upon "ls", I'd be grateful if you could email me your gettext .deb files (important: please don't just email them directly to me, first ask me if I still need them - I don't want 20 people emailing me those .deb's :-). Also if you remember, it would be helpful to know if you got those .deb files from the bindist or if you compiled them yourself (in case you remember).
This way, I can compare the "bad" with the "good" gettext to find out what exactly caused the problem. This way we can decide how to cope with this issue and if there is anything we can do to fix it, in case it affects many fink users potentially.



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