Martin:  Applesystemfonts installs fine for me on a fresh 10.3 install.
Perhaps it is choking on one of the fonts in /Users/*/Library/Fonts?
What happens if you remove that out from the list in the .info file?


 On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Martin Costabel wrote:

> It would be nice to have the applesystemfont package on Panther. The
> version 1.0-4 from 10.2-gcc3.3 almost works:
> It creates /sw/lib/X11/fonts/applettf and populates it with a decent
> collection of symlinks and ttf fonts and a fonts.dir file. It also does
> some redundant but innocent stuff related to the defunct /etc/X11/XftConfig.
> But then /sw/bin/xfontpath, or rather xset +fp, chokes on the new directory:
> % xset +fp /sw/lib/X11/fonts/applettf
> xset:  bad font path element (#87), possible causes are:
>      Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
>      Directory missing fonts.dir
>      Incorrect font server address or syntax
> It seems there are some bad fonts in that directory. I can go ahead and
> try each one of the 150 or so entries, but maybe someone did this
> already or has some higher wisdom that explains which fonts might be
> offensive to xset?

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