On Dec 15, 2003, at 8:39 AM, Patrick Näf wrote:

jfm said:
Typically perl580 (eg) will install the same man pages, at the same
So in order for the user not to have to  force-overwrites , yes, you
need such
a Replaces (and perl580 too) _ if this is the case with your package.

Ah, I see, the whole business is about the man pages - I didn't catch that

In that case, make sure that your package is at least as up to date as
the one in
perl580 _ and that the corresponding man pages are substantially the

I'll do that then, thanks for the instruction.

I'm afraid I've still been too sketchy, and it is not that easy _ because the perlxyz
(say 580) packages need such a Replaces too, and it seems out of the question
to have to update (including rev-up) this every time a maintainer of one of those
+/- 20 packages checks his own _ this has to be centralized a bit one way or the other.

Maybe you would be willing to do this, and then coordinate with the maintainer of
perl580 ? An old list of pkgs to look at follows in PS (give and take one..).

Basically, it involves installing perl580, then building each of those pkgs and installing
them with dpkg --force-overwrites, so as to see the exact set of files that would get replaced,
then checking for each of those files (I would expect mainly man files, but if I remember
correctly there may also be sometimes scripts in /sw/bin, where obviously much more caution
is required) whether it agrees substantially (ie, conveys exactly the same infomation) with the
one of perl580. (Eg, by extracting also perl580 in a tmp dir, and doing, for each file,
'man full_path_to_man_file' to each of the 2 man files in 2 parallel windows).

JF Mertens

PS: attribute-handlers-pm cgi-pm digest-md5-pm file-spec-pm file-temp-pm filter-simple-pm filter-util-pm getopt-long-pm i18n-langtags-pm libnet-pm locale-maketext-pm memoize-pm mime-base64-pm scalar-list-utils-pm storable-pm template-pm test-harness-pm test-simple-pm text-tabs-wrap-pm time-hires-pm

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