Hi Peter,

On Dec 15, 2003, at 5:36 AM, Peter O'Gorman wrote:

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Remi Mommsen wrote:
| Well, I don't really use the information from the package name,
| otherwise I would have problems with the new convention anyway. I just
| have a kind of lazy parsing which chokes when the package uses an epoch
| in the old style version. But I'll try to improve that.

I fail to understand why you are parsing .info files anywhere, the fink
modules should be able to give you any package information you might
need, use them.

Indeed, and I try to use it as much as possible. But the Fink code is new to me, thus there are sure better ways to do many things. I'll appreciate any proposals for improvements once I have the first version of the code, which will take a few more days (or better evenings).

The point where I still need to parse the info file directly is when I get from 'cvs update' the list of files which are newly added (or modified). Let's say I learn that foo-bla-1.3-1.info is added to the repository, then I'd like to 'fink build foo-bla-1.3.1', i.e. I just stripped the .info. This works not for packages with have an epoch defined. Anyhow, I use now Fink::Services::read_properties($pkg) to parse the file. This allows to specify the full version for 'fink build' for all packages (new and old naming scheme).


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Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of California, Irvine       URL:    http://cern.ch/mommsen
c/o SLAC                             voice:        ++1 (650) 926-3595
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